Paul pushed Zeba in a corner of the room and untied the ropes around her wrists.
“Now listen to me.I will spare your life if you do exactly what I say.Do you understand what I mean Zeba!?”
The girl nodded quietly.
“Fine.And remember,one scream and you’re dead,just like your boyfriend.”
That sentence brought tears to Zeba’s eyes.She had no clue if J really was dead or that Paul was lying to her.”Get up and get undressed.”
Zeba did as she was told,slowly removing her clothes piece by piece.She knew her only chance to escape her bitter destiny was by taking all the time she could to slow down the whole process.She realized it would start to aggitate Paul in the end but everything was better than being forced to sleep with him.As soon as she was naked except for her underwear Paul told her to lay down on the cold wooden floor.Zeba followed his intructions,sometimes looking behind Paul to see if J had already woken up.Paul grinned as he watched the girl moving around to find a comfortable spot on the ground before he whispered”That’s just perfect Zeba.Now,remove those last pieces too and we can get it on.”
Zeba unclasped her bra but before she could throw the clothing away a sudden sound just outside the door of the room could be heard very clearly.Paul noticed it too and exclaimed”Damn it,what’s that!”
Right at the second when the words left his mouth,three policemen entered the room with some loud yelling.Paul threw his bat in the air,trying to defend himself to the end,but one shot in his arm made the wooden stick tumbling to the floor.Paul grabbed his upper arm with a shout and before Zeba had a chance to realize what exactly was going on around her two agents handcuffed Paul and led him out of the room.As Zeba realized the coast was clear she got up and joined another policeman sitting next to J.
“How is he?”she asked worried while she gently grabbed her boyfriend’s hand.J still was out cold and the agent replied”I’m not sure but there’s an ambulance on its way.He’s still alive though,so that’s pretty good news.”
Zeba nodded quietly,although she knew he was seriously injured.Luckily the ambulance soon arrived at the house and J was carried out of the room on a stretcher.Zeba too was brought to another waiting ambulance and within minutes they were on their way to hospital…

“Could you please tell me in which room Jason Brown is?”Rich asked a passing nurse.Right after everything had happened Sean had called the other lads to come to hospital and now all four of them had gathered in one of the huge bright corridors.
“Are you any family,Sir?”the nurse questioned while inspecting the four lads in front of her.Rich looked questioning at Abs,knowing that if they would tell the truth she would definitely not let them to him.
“Erm,we’re his cousins.Now would you please be so nice to tell us where he is?”Abs replied and the nurse nodded her head,taking the lie without a problem.They were brought to another corridor and the nurse stated”Right,Mister Brown is in room number 217 but he just regained consciousness so please don’t strain him out too much.”
“We won’t.”
The guys walked over to the room,all of them feeling nervous.They had no clue what to expect but at least they knew that J was awake and that his life was no longer in any danger. They opened the door and the first thing they noticed was the steady beeping of a machine.There on the bed was J,a huge piece of plaster down the side of his cheek.Luckily he seemed alright for the rest,the only other visible injuries a black eye and some small scratches down his arms and in his face.
J looked up when the door opened and smiled carefully as he realized it were his mates who were entering the room.
“J,are you alright man?”Abs questioned while he sat down next to the bed.J nodded and replied”I’m fine.I’m a bit sore but that’s all.How’s Zeba?”
The guys shared a few looks.None of them had thought of Zeba yet,all of them too worried about J’s condition.
“We don’t really know to be honest.”Scott exclaimed and J raised an eyebrow.
“Because we totally forgot about her.”
Sean walked towards the door again and stated”I’ll find out how she’s doing if you want me to.” J smiled at his best mate and replied”Thanks.”
Right after Sean had left,a nurse entered the hospital room and told the lads as soon as she noticed them”I think you need to leave.Mr.Brown needs his sleep.”
“But we only just got here.”Rich wined but the nurse wasn’t willing to let the guys stay a bit longer.
“Fine then,if we’re not welcome anymore we’ll leave.”Abs stated before he told J”We’ll come back tomorrow,mate.”
“Fine.See you then.”
J watched as his friends left the room but then closed his eyes to try and rest a little more,although he knew he couldn’t sleep until he knew what had happened to his girlfriend…

Zeba was running through the clinic’s corridors,trying desperatly to find J’s room.Right after she had been examined a doctor had been so nice to tell her where J was but she had no idea how he was doing.Luckily she soon found the room and she stood in front of the white door for a few seconds,deciding on whether to enter the room alone or not.Nobody had told her how J was doing and she was scared that he would be very badly injured.Finally she opened the door with shaking hands and she sighed deeply as she found J asleep on the bed.The plaster on his jaw did worry her but as soon as she realized there were no scary machines in his room she had enough courage to walk inside completely.Zeba made her way over to the bed,sitting down on a chair so she could hold J’s hand for a while.There she stayed for some time,watching as he slept.Just when she decided to go home and get some sleep herself J opened his eyes and smiled happily as he noticed Zeba sitting next to him.
“Babe?Are you alright?”he asked his girlfriend and Zeba wrapped her arms around J’s neck.Before she actually had the chance to answer she burst out in tears,finally understanding that everything was over for real and that she could now live in safety for the rest of her life. “Hey,are you doing okay?”J asked worried but Zeba just pulled back and exclaimed grinning through her tears”Yes,I’m just so happy that it’s all over now.”
J grabbed Zeba’s hand and stated”And we’ll finally get the chance to live happily ever after.”
Zeba bowed forward and planted a passionate kiss on J’s lips.Only at that second the door swung open and Sean’s voice sounded”J,I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t find…”
Only then he saw the small reunion in front of him and he turned back around with a smile and left the room without saying another word at all…

It was one week later and Zeba was laying her bed at night,thinking about everything that had happened in the past days.J still was recovering in hospital and she knew he had to stay there for at least another week.Zeba missed him terribly but knew that the incident did mean a whole new beginning for them.She hoped that they would finally be able to get happy and leave in peace,although some wounds of her past still were fresh and needed some more time to heal.But she knew there was somebody now that would support her in everything she did and that gave her a feeling of pure safety.Zeba stayed up for a few more minutes before she finally decided it was time to go to bed,after all she wanted to be fit in the morning to visit J again.She layed down in the bed,cuddling up against J’s pillow for warmth and comfort,and fell asleep within minutes…
The next morning Zeba woke up with someone’s strong arms tightly wrapped around her.She turned her head and was majorly surprised to find J laying next to her on the bed.He still looked kinda ill with stitches down his left cheek and a cut in his forehead,covered up with a plaster,but he did look a lot better than a few days before.Zeba put her hand on his head and carefully stroked his messy hair for a while until he finally woke up.
“Zeba?Are you already awake,angel?”J softly asked but instead of answering him she gave him a passionate kiss right on the lips.She pulled away reductantly after a few seconds and asked”What the hell are you doing here?You belong to be in hospital.”
“I left.”was the simple answer.
“Left!?Are you crazy!?You can’t just leave!You aren’t better yet!”
Zeba was getting frustrated with this guy in front of her now.She was worried about her boyfriend’s condition and he had just left hospital.J put a gentle hand on her shoulder and replied”Don’t worry.I asked the doctor’s opinion and they all said it was alright to go home as long as I lay in bed.And why should I stay in hospital if I can be with you instead?”
Zeba’s facial expression became softer at those words and a smile appeared on her lips.
“Alright then.But I’m warning you.If you decide to get out of bed only once,I’ll send you back just like that.”
J smiled and whispered”I’m not planning on getting out of bed,though.It’s much more comfortable here than anywhere else.”
Zeba noticed the look in his eyes and softly scolded”You dirty old pervert.”
And with those words they pulled the blankets over their heads to do God only knows what…


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