At was already the next morning when Zeba and J were making their way back home.The other lads had already left earlier but Zeba and J felt like dancing the night away and so they had stayed until the club had closed its doors.Sean had taken a cab back to their apartment and Scott had gotten a lift from Rich,so only the two,now pretty tipsy,roommates were left.Because the club had been near to their house,they had decided to walk there but at that moment they both wished they hadn�t done that:it had started raining like mad.Soon the two of them made it to the apartment,both lost in a huge fit of hysterical laughter.They almost fell inside the house,trying to calm down a bit when noticing that Sean had already gone to bed,and made their way over to J�s bedroom.
�God,I�m soked!�Zeba exclaimed as she fell down on the bed and looked up at J.He just giggled and replied�I�ll get some towels or anything.�
Zeba watched smiling as he left the bedroom,but within only a few seconds he was back again.
�Here,I�m back.�J said while trowing a bunch of towels next to Zeba on the bed and then taking his dripping wet shirt and trousers off.Zeba looked at J�s body with great interest.Although she was used to see him like that every night before he went to bed,she couldn�t help but feel more than just a little attracted to him.J didn�t notice any of Zeba�s stares,he had just turned his back to her to give her some privacy while drying herself off.Zeba decided that getting out of her wet clothes was indeed a good idea and she slipped her short black dress off,immediatly covering herself up with a towel.
�Ready?�J asked and she answered a short�Yeah.�
J sat down next to Zeba,smiling at her along the way.
�I�m cold.�she suddenly stated and J nodded in agreement.
�Yeah,me too.�
But before J even had the chance to say or do anything at all,Zeba pushed him back on the bed and laid down next to him,covering their freezing bodies with a blanket.J just looked at her in surprise,not really knowing what to say at that moment.The two of them just laid there for a while,slowly starting to feel a bit warmer and better.
�Why are you blushing?�Zeba all of a sudden asked.J just stared shyly at his hands,shrugging his shoulders.
�Not used to a girl in your bed?�she laughed.
�No,not really.They don�t like me,you know.�
�Oh come on J!You really don�t expect me to believe THAT,right?�
J shook his head and replied�No,but it�s been quite a while since anything like that happened.�
�Liar.�Zeba muttered under her breath.
�I�m no liar!�
Then they both cracked up again.J stared at Zeba intensely for a few seconds before he just couldn�t control the urge to kiss her any longer.He bowed his head and pushed his lips on hers.Zeba hesitated for a moment whether to return the kiss or not but that short second made J realize what he was actually doing.He sat back up again and stuttered�I�m�I�m sorry.I shouldn�t have done that.�
Zeba just gently traced the outline of J�s jaw and whispered�It�s alright.�
�No,it�s not!I should have remembered what�s happened to you and now I just took advantage of��
But before he could end his sentence Zeba kissed him back.She too had been waiting for a kiss for ages and now she had the chance,she wasn�t planning on letting it pass without using it.She could read J�s mind and knew he was considering on whether to kiss her back or not but luckily his feelings soon got the best of him and he returned the favour,full of passion. Suddenly Zeba pulled back again and whispered�I want you to make love to me,J.�
�What?�Zeba�s statement had definitely sobered him up.
�You heard me right.I want you to make love to me tonight.�
�But�but are you ready for that yet?I mean,after all you�ve been through with your ex.�J asked but Zeba shook her head,smiling.�Oh silly,would I ask you if I wasn�t ready?Of course not.I�I just need to know how it feels if someone really loves me,and I know you do.The only memories I have of sleeping with a man are horrible but I know you will treat me right.�
�I would never hurt you.�
�I know.�
She ruffled J�s hair under her fingers and looked up in his blue eyes.J just gently smiled at her,then nodded his head.�Alright,if you really want this I want it,too.�
Zeba gave him another kiss before taking her towel off and throwing it onto the floor.Soon her fingers made their way over to J�s white boxers,slipping the piece of clothing off of him in one swift movement.The two of them were soon lost in their little own world of love,passion and pleasure�
It was later that night when J was staring at an asleep Zeba laying in his arms.He felt complete and totally happy at that moment,noticing a strange feeling at the pit of his stomach when remembering Zeba confessing her love for him.He looked at her dark hair and innocent face a while more before falling asleep himself,thinking of how lucky he actually was�


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