“I’m sorry?” said Abs.
“You heard me” said Morgaine. “You ARE, you know. We’ve been told you’d come.”
“Yeah, yeah” replied Abs, suddenly becoming very cynic. “Sure. I must be still in a coma. One moment I am on my motorbike, the next I’m in the seventh century or something.”
“Actually, it’s the sixth, dear” Morgaine told him. “But don’t you know that time doesn’t mean a thing here on Avalon?”
“Avalon is a mythic isle”Abs stated firmly.
“Oh yes, but it’s very real, though. I understand this is all very confusing, my dear, but let me explain. Here, on this isle, I am eternal. I am the High Priestess untill the end of time itself will be there. Well now, you certainly must have heard of my brother, King Arthur.” Abs nodded, and Morgaine continued. “My brother has been a little lost since he’s been married to Gwenhywfar. She’s infertile, so he should have gotten rid of her a long time ago, but he loves her. This is hard for the country, because the King has to have a heir. Arthur has a son. My son.” Morgaine let those words sink in with Abs, who sudddenly shot right up as he understood those words.
“That’s MONSTRUOUS!” he exclaimed, before realising that had to hurt her. Morgaine, however, raised her hand to silence him as he tried to apologize. “I know” she said simply. “Exactly my sentiments, dear. Viviane, my aunt, Priestess before me, arranged it. She wanted to bound Arthur. But I was too ashamed to use the power I had over my brother, and now it’s too late. Mordred-my son-is with Arthur now, and soon they will fight eachother.” “I supposed you had. You are not here to prevent that, but to prevent Britain to fall apart after Arthur has gone. Someone will steal Excalibur, Arthur’s sword, and people will fight over it for centuries. The Sword isn’t supposed to be out there. It is holy, but it is Arthur’s now, and I cannot take it back. You have to be by Arthur’s side and when he dies, you must give the sword back to the Lake.”
“I understand” Abs replied, and he really did. Morgaine smiled at him. “ I know you would.” She said to him.” You will have to leave for Camelot soon. Eilidh will go with you. She is a priestess.” She sighed before she continued:”Mordred is there now, with Niniane. She was High Priestess before I returned to Avalon, and the lover of Mordred. Please, Abs” He realised she used his nickname although he hadn’t told her.”Will you look after her? I am so afraid he will hurt her. He is so bitter, my dear. His only goal is to overthrow Arthur, because that was the ultimate reason for his birth, and he has never known better. I don’t know if he hates me even more than Arthur for that but the fact is, that he is in no way my son anymore, and barely human. What could have ever come of this Abs?” She suddenly asked with pain in her voice. “What did we do wrong? Why have none of dreams come true? Were we ever doomed to fail?”
And Abs held the older, little woman and gave her the only answer there was:”You didn’t fail. No one can change what has to come. Britain was peaceful many years, and Arthurs reign brought many good. Now it’s time to move on.”

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