The black BMW stopped with hard protesting brakes right before the hospital and four guys jumped out and ran in. The one with the eyebrow piercing went staright up to the information desk and asked breathlessly:"Can you tell me where to find Mr Breen? RA Breen?"
The woman replied, totally stupefied: "Room 553, but..."
The guy didn't listen any further and he and the other three guys ran up the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator to come down. Slipping around the corner of room 553's corridor they bumped into a very surprised doctor.
"Do you know how Mr Breen is?" the blue-eyed one asked.
"Uh, erm, yeah, yeah, but who are you?"
"Friends...relatives. Please tell us."
"Well, he seems to be in a coma. He's only got bruises but a severe concussion keeps him in a deep sleep."
"We know what a coma is" J said annoyed.
"J!" chided Rich. "Please. It's bad enough as it is, there's no need to be like that. Do you know how long it will last?" he asked the doctor.
"No. Days, weeks, who knows. But you can see him now, just follow me..."

Eilidh was a quite tall girl, with reddish hair and blue eyes. She wasn't particularly pretty, but alright, thought Abs. She had that distinguishing tattoo between her eyebrows.
"Won't that raise any suspicion?' he asked Morgaine, who shook her head.
"Priestesses are still welcome on Camelot, dear." she replied. "Arthur doesn't know I'm here, probably he doesn't even know I'm still alive." she said rather sadly. "Anyway, we gotta get you some more fitting clothes dear. The ones you wore are totally ripped and besides not fitting for here anyway."
Abs suddenly became aware of the fact that he was naked underneath the sheets of his head and blushed furiously. Eilidh giggled, until Morgaine sent her a warning look. "Go get Abidin some clothes, dear" she said to the younger woman. "And some food. He must be very hungry."
"I am" he agreed, glad she would leave the room. Eilidh left hastily to do as she was told and Abs cleared his throat to think of something to say as Morgaine didn't seem very chatty. "I've read about King Arthur" he said.
Morgaine smiled at him. "I know. " she replied rather simply. "You know I am his sister. You've been raised with the idea I am a witch, aren't you? But this is my truth. And you know what I'm talking about, because you touched the Sword."
Abs nodded. It was very true, he had felt a lot of knowledge flowing in to him when he touched the Sword. It had no prejudices, no truth, just bare facts. "Where is it now?" he asked.
"With Arthur, of course" answered Morgaine. "it's still his, after all. Oh do remember to call yourself Abidin at Camelot, will you? They might wonder about Abs."
"Sometimes I wonder about it" mumbled Abs, and for the very first time he heard Morgaine laugh, a rarity. Her laugh sounded like silver bells in a summer wind, like her voice was beautiful too, and made him suspect she had been a beauty when she was young. Morgaine put a black curl behind her ear and smiled at Abs. "You're really funny, aren't you?" she said lovingly. "We'll get along just fine, you and I."

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