If you don’t know what the Arthurian legend is, you better read this to understand the story of Dreamz. I’ve always found it really interesting myself, but I try to keep it plain and simple here. If you don’t understand something or wanna know more please feel free to email me.And yes, I know that some will think things aren’t right, but there are about 10000 versions of the story(always been great at exaggerating)and this is what I believe, having read almost everything.

In the fifth century AD the Romans left Britain after a fivehundred years reign. They left behind a huge legacy. Almost every bit of the English language has been formed after Roman example, and so have buildings. Romans taught the Britans how to read and write, and Britain was far more civilised than before Ceasar and Claudius invaded in 55 BC. About a century after all Romans had left, Britain’s most famous King rised: King Arthur, the legendary king that has inspired tons of writers over the centuries. It’s not sure if he really existed, but there is reason to believe he did. He was the son of the King, obviously, and of the daughter of Britain’s High Priestess(in the celtic religion). He had one half-sister, Morgaine. Morgaine was raised on Avalon, the mythical island before Britain, the center of the celtic religion(a holy place, you could say). Arthur and Morgaine didn’t see much of eachother when they were young, and so when they met they didn’t recognize eachother. Viviane, High Priestess and aunt of the two had arranged the meeting as some ancient ritual to Arthur’s crowning, just after Arthur received Excalibur, a holy sword that had been kept on Avalon until Arthur had come to claim it. Arthur and Morgaine slept together, and Morgaine had a son, Mordred. Viviane wanted Morgaine to use Mordred as power over Arthur to keep him from forbidding the worship of the celtic gods. With the threat of Mordred, Morgaine could rule from behind Arthur’s throne. But Morgaine was too ashamed to ever tell Arthur, and after the birth she left Mordred behind with her other aunt, Morgause, Queen of Orkney, and went to live at Arthur’s court.There was her grandfather too, the famous sorcerer Taliesin, who had gained the title “Merlin”for his great skills. He was Arthur’s right hand, helping the young man making difficult decisions. Arthur had just married Gwenhwyfar, who was a very devote christ. She disliked Morgaine for her sharp tongue, the fact she wasn’t a christ, AND the fact Arthur loved his sister in a inappropriate way, instead of her. She was however, in love with someone else herself, Lancelot, the famous knight, Arthurs best friend and nephew, son of Viviane(my, would this have been one hell of a dramaseries on the telly, it defenitely had beaten EastEnders!).
Taliesin made sure, as long as he was at Arthur’s court, that Arthur didn’t forget to worship the celtic goddess he worshiped, and Viviane and Morgaine.Due to his high age, however, he died several years after Arthur’s marriage. His succesor Kevin wasn’t as strong as he was, and Gwenhwyfar tried to reform Arthur, and succeeded, but Arthur couldn’t forbid the worship of other gods, and didn’t want to either. In the meantime, Viviane had been killed at the court by fanatic Christs, and Morgaine was really sad as she had loved her aunt despite the fact she had been the cause of her sin with Arthur. Morgaine tried to take Excalibur, the famous sword of Arthur, because she felt it wasn’t right for him to keep the sword when he didn’t worship the Goddess. Arthur was very mad with her betrayal, and sad, as he loved her, but did sent her in exile, and Morgaine went back to Avalon, in her rightful place as High Priestess that her niece had filled in, Niniane, daughter of the sorcerer Merlin, and to await the end of the story, and it is here that Dreamz takes off…

Persons from the legend appearing in Dreamz:

Morgaine: sister of King Arthur, High Priestess of Avalon, and mother of Mordred.
Arthur: King of Britain, brother of Morgaine, father of Mordred.
Mordred: son of Arthur and Morgaine, priest of Avalon, currently knight at Arthurs court, lover of Niniane.
Niniane: Priestess of Avalon, daughter of Merlin the sorcerer, niece of Morgaine, lover of Mordred.
Merlin(Kevin):Kevin has taken over the place as Arthur’s right hand after the original Merlin, Niniane’s father, has died.
Gwenhwyfar: Wife of Arthur, lover of Lancelot. Enemy of Mordred and Niniane, and Morgaine.
Lancelot: Nephew of Arthur and Morgaine. Lover of Gwenhwyfar, and sometimes mistaken for Mordred’s father (they look like eachother very much).

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