J hit the cold stone floor with a loud bang and immediatly grabbed his left leg.Blood was pouring from a large wound in his knee and he also had a cut on his forehead. “God,he looks like a whale.”Abs whispered and Rich nodded in agreement and replied to his mate”Yeah,but a moaning whale.”
Sean quickly ran over to J,who was groaning in pain and asked in a very worried tone”Are you alright,mate?”
“Do I look alright!?No!I’m NOT alright!”
Daphne turned to Tamara,who was staring at the whole scene in shock,and softly said”God,I must be stoned,drunk or halucinating cuz I just saw Sean running like a madman!”
Tamara just shrugged her shoulders.At that moment Rob and Roy came running towards the group of popstars.
“Fuck!Wendy what did do to J!?”Roy yelled in frustration while he kneeled down next to the injured rapper,who still was lying on the floor.
Dee shrugged her shoulders in a very uninterested way before she said”Just give him what he deserves.That’s all.”
“What he deserves!?You could have bloody killed him!”Roy shouted angrily while sweat started to form on his forehead and his face turned into an almost purple colour. Still Dee didn’t seem to be interested at all in the whole situation.Only then Rob replied”Roy,if you don’t mind I’ll punish her for her actions.I know something that’ll learn her a lesson she’d probably never forget.”
Roy nodded in aproval.
“Well,young lady.Since you’re the one that pushed him off of stage,you are going to be the one to make him better as well!”Rob yelled with frustration.
“What do you mean?”Dee now softly asked.
“That you’re the one that’s going to take care of him until he’s completely recovered again!”
“What!?No way Rob!I’m not going to play his private nurse or anything!”Dee at once screamed,not able to control her temper any longer. Rob didn’t seem to hear it.He just nodded towards the other lads and said”Could you guys bring him to the tourbus and make sure he and Wendy are brought back to the hotel?” The lads nodded quietly and helped J up.Dee turned around to Rob and hissed”This is not over yet.”
Rob shrugged his shoulders and answered with”It doesn’t matter me what you do but keep in mind that I can send you and the other girls back home any time I want to.So let me give you one advise:be careful with your actions.”
And with those words he turned away from the group and left the arena.Dee sighed as a laughing Daphne and Tamara literally dragged her to Five’s tourbus and told her”Have fun with your “boyfriend”!”Then they were gone…


After their arrival at the hotel Dee had brought J to his room with the help of a bellboy.She was still furious with Rob’s decision and she planned on paying him and the other lads back as soon as possible.In the meantime J was thinking on how to annoy Wendy.He really wanted to show her that she couldn’t fuck with him and that she needed to pay for her stupid behaviour.
“So girl,aren’t you going to take care of me like Rob said?You don’t want to leave the tour,right?”J said with an evil grin on his lips.Dee sighed and stood up.
“Alright then.If you want me to take care of you,why not?”
She left the room for a minute before she returned with some kind of first-aid kid.
“Since I’m your personal caretaker I should clean your leg first.”
J shrugged his shoulders but then replied”Yeah,fine with me but make sure to do it fast cuz I want some tea and a little snack.Oh yeah,and my trousers and t-shirts need to get ironed for tomorrows foto-shoot as well.”
Wendy rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath”I’ll show you,Mister-My-Ego-Is-Too-Big-For-My-Body.”
She opened the kit and looked at the stuff inside before she picked some bandages and iodine.Only then her eyes caught a little bottle in the corner of the box.She took it out and smiled as she read the text on it before she dropped the iodine in the kit again and turned back to J.
“Good,I’ll clean your leg now.”
Dee opened the bottle and without saying another thing at all she poured some of the fluid on J’s injured leg.At first J didn’t stir but then he jumped back up and grabbed his leg with a hard scream.
“You bitch!”he yelled while his facial expression turned into a very painful one and a few tears blurred his sight.Dee smiled very satisfied and replied then in her sweetest voice”Oh,I’m so sorry Jason but it was alcohol and not iodine.I must have grabbed the wrong bottle.” “Oh,you liar!You knew exactly what it was!I’ll fucking kill you!”
“Haha,you’ll kill me!?Yeah,right!You’re nothing more than a cripple at this moment!”
“Even a turtle is faster than such a brainless creature like you!”
Dee wringled her nose in disgust and yelled back,while she grabbed a thermometer”Watch it J!If you say one more thing I’ll make sure to shove this thing right up your a..!”
“Hello amigos!How are you doing!?Abs’cheery voice at once sounded.The members of FirE and Five had left the arena right after the whole incident as well and Abs just wanted to find out if everything was alright between the two enemies. The two people on the sofa turned around as they heard his voice and J immediatly shouted”That whore tried to kill me!She poured alcohol on my leg!”
Abs looked at him for a second before he burst out in a huge fit of laughter.J’s face turned a bright shade of red with fury as he watched how Abs sat himself down on the floor and burried his head in his arms to stiffle his laughing. Dee bowed forward and whispered into J’s ear“You see,darling.Nobody on this planet likes you one bit.”J shoy her an ice-cold glare and said back”And the same means for you.”
“I don’t think so.”
And with those words Wendy stood up and walked out of the door,leaving Abs and J behind…


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