Daphne and Tamara were having breakfast together,talking about the past night’s events. “So you and Scott..?”Daphne asked and Tamara nodded in reply while taking a sip of her water.
“How was he in bed?”Daph questioned again while grabbing a piece of toast from a plate and staring at Tam intensly,awaiting an answer right away.Tamara shrugged her shoulders and stated”Well,it all was great until he woke up this morning.He acted like he had seen a ghost or something and then ran out of the room.”
“Doesn’t wonder me.I always get the pure horror when I see you in the morning,too.”Daphne exclaimed shrugging,not very impressed by Scott’s strange behaviour.
Tamara raised an eyebrow but decided not to argue,she definitely wasn’t in the mood to use any more energy after the whole “Scott-affair”,as she called it now.
Suddenly the door to the breakfast-area swung open and Scott appeared.He literally ran over to the girls’ table and told Tam stearnly”I need to talk to you.”
“Why?Since you didn’t know how to talk this morning,why would the idea of going out with you now even cross my mind?”Tamara questioned.Scott shrugged his shoulders and whispered”Listen,I’m sorry about what happened this morning but you need to believe me that it’s important for us to talk.”
Daphne who had been listening to their conversation all of a sudden interupted”Well Scott,she will talk to you,right Tam?”
Tamara shot Daphne a killer look but then nodded quietly and stood up.Before she even had a chance to say something to Daphne again,Scott pulled her away from the table and out of the room.
Daphne smiled satisfied and leaned back in her chair before she muttered”And once again Daphne was able to fix the lifes of two unhappy people.”

“Well,what is so important you had to drag me out of that room?”Tamara asked Scott as soon as they had arrived in his room.Scott sat down next to Tamara on the bed and sighed deeply. “I’m waiting.”Tam stated impatiently.
Suddenly Scott turned around towards Tam and grabbed her hands,his actions stealing a confused look from her.
“First of all I want you to know that I really like you…but I think we shouldn’t continue what we’re doing right now.”he replied staring at the floor in front of him.Tamara raised an eyebrow and exclaimed”We only had a one-night-stand.”
“Yeah,and that’s the problem.I already have a girlfriend and I’m very much in love with her.I never wanted to use you like this,Tam.”
“Couldn’t you have told me sooner about your girlfriend,like right when we first met!?” Scott sighed again but then shook his head wildly.
“They forced me to do it,alright!”he blurted out before he even had a chance to realize what he was actually saying.
Tamara had absolutely no clue what Scott was talking about and she questioned”That seems very much impossible to me,Scott!How for God’s sake can someone force you to have sex with me!?”
Scott put his head in his hands,knowing that he now had to tell Tamara the whole truth about the plans the other lads had made.
“The lads never wanted you here on tour.They thought you’re nothing more than a bunch of annoying girls and so they made up a sneaky little plan to get you out of the tour.Sean came up with the idea to try and seduce you and then dump you again once you started to trust us.So Abs took Dee and Rich took Daphne.I refused to do it but they eventually forced me into this whole mess.Once again I’m very sorry about all of this.I understand if you hate me now”
Tamara was shocked hearing Scott’s confession,but at the same time she felt happy that he had been so honest to tell her the truth.
“I don’t hate you,Scott,but you did use me and I need time to get over that.But you do realize I need to tell the other girls about this,right?”
“I know.”Scott nodded.And with that Tamara stood up and walked out of the door again…

Back in J’s room Dee had just started to iron J’s clothes when Tamara stormed inside. “Can’t you knock!?”J exclaimed irritated by the interuption.
Tamara decided to ignore his question and stated”Dee,I need to talk to you.Now.”
Dee raised an eyebrow hearing her friend so serious and dropped J’s clothes onto the floor. “Hey,I didn’t tell you to quit just yet!”J yelled as Wendy walked out of the room together with Tamara,but she just stuck out her tongue at him and continued to disappear out of J’s sight…

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