In the next few days the guys and girls got to spend a lot more time with eachother and without anybody knowing there were a few new loves starting.Of course the three couples were trying to keep everything as quiet as possible but since it wasn’t really strange they were spending so much time together it was a pretty easy job.
Sean and Tamara had decided to take everything real slow and not force anything while J and Dee were a bit more full on.Daphne and Rich in the meantime were just taking everything as it came and so all of them were happy.
Soon the song was finished and both bands united in the studio to record it.Everyone thought it was a massive song and they were sure it would do really good in the charts,too.
It was a surprisingly sunny Saturday afternoon when Chris decided to surprise the two bands with a small visit.He had some important news,mainly for the FirE girls,and thought it was essential to announce it himself.He found both popbands in a nicely decorated room of the studio,drinking some tea and having a laugh about something silly again.
“Erm…”Chris coughed to get the attention of the 8 people and they looked up in suprise.
“Hey Chris,long time not see.”Daphne stated and Chris smiled.
“I know,but I have something important to tell you lot.”
Five and FirE shared a few glances together and J asked”What is it?”
Chris shrugged and exclaimed”Nothing you have to worry about,J.It’s about the girls.”
“What about us?”Dee questioned curiously and their manager stated”I have loads and loads of bands to manage and I’ve decided that I need some serious help with it.So…I’ve found a very fitting manager for you lot.”
“Another manager?”Tamara asked in shock and Daphne added”Hopefully not someone like Roy.”
Chris smiled and shook his head.
“No,it’s certainly not someone like Roy,but I’m sure you need to get used to her.”
“It’s a woman!”Rich cut in but Chris responded with”No,she’s still a girl.Actually she’s the same age as Dee.”
“That’s great!When will we meet her!”Wendy said but right at that moment the door flung open and a girl ran inside the room,tripping over Abs’ legs in the process and landing on her bum in the middle of the room.
“Well girls…this is your new manager,Lauren.”
The girl stood up again like nothing had happened and smiled at Chris sweetly.
“Thanks for the introduction,boss.”
Chris cringed at the word ‘boss’ but decided not to say a thing about it at all and leave the bands alone to meet Lauren instead.
“So,you’re our new manager?”Tamara asked a tad bit uncertain and the girl nodded.
“Yes,I am.So,I want to know who all of you are first.I need to know you as good as possible before I can manage you.”Lauren exclaimed while opening the bag she was carrying and taking a notepad out of it.
“What is this?An interview or something?”Daphne whispered over to Dee,who chuckled at that. Lauren sat down next to Rich and stated seriously”Listen to me Blue Eyes,would you mind to go outside and take your four friends with you?I need some privacy with the girls.”
“But why would we leave?They’ve got nothing to hide from us.”Rich exclaimed but Lauren shook her head stubbornly and responded with”No,I want to talk to the girls alone.Chris has told me some details about you guys and I must say that you seem to have a pretty bad influence on them sometimes.I don’t want you to distract them.”
J stood up at that,his face getting red,and hissed furiously”We are NOT having a bad influence on them!”
“I make up my own mind about things and I must admit that the stuff Chris told me about you,Big Guy,is pretty damn close to reality.But talking about Chris,will you boys go away by yourselves,or do I have to call him to kick you out?”
The Fivers shared a few glances before one by one they stood up and walked out of the door.Once all of them had left Lauren closed the door behind them and locked it.
“My God,what is she?A witch or something?”Tam whispered towards Dee,who exclaimed”Perhaps.At least I hope if she really is one,she’s not gonna kill us now.”
Lauren walked back again to her spot on the sofa and,much to FirE’s surprise,started laughing loudly.
“What’s so funny?You just told our friends totally off!”Daphne cut in and Lauren shook her head.
“This was the first thing you’ll learn today girls,and it’s called ‘how to get men that far they will do anything you want them to do.’”
The four girls looked at eachother seriously for a few seconds until all of them cracked up over the whole issue.
“Anyway,let’s get back to work.My name’s Lauren Holling,but please call me Loz,and I’m 22 years old.I’ve been managing bands since the age of 19 and since a month or so I work for Safe Management.Chris has told me about your situation and I decided to take the risk and be your new manager from now on.”
The girls intoduced themselves too and after all the official stuff Tamara asked”But is it true that you’ve heard the lads have a negative influence on us?”
Lauren shook her head and grinned.
“I’ve heard some stuff from other people here,but Chris is only nice about them.He feels like a father to them and would never say something mean about them to anyone else.I just thought it was funny to show them a bit of attitude.It’ll probably make them feel really strange once we come out of here and I’m all nice and friendly to them like nothing’s happened.”
Daphne grinned at that before stating”You made J angry,though.”
“And that’s bad?”
“It is.”
Loz shrugged and exclaimed”Well,he’ll probably get over it again,too.”
“So…want us to show the studio to you?We’re currently recording a single for ‘Children in Need’ together with Five.”Dee explained and Lauren nodded.
“Yeah,give me a tour.”
And with that the four girls walked out of the room…

“Well,I totally can’t believe she told us off like that!”Rich stated while he and the boys had returned to the recording area again.
“She’s the most unfriendly woman I’ve ever met in my entire life.”Scott reacted on that and J nodded.
“I wonder what she’s doing to the girls,though.”Sean muttered and Abs looked at him. “I hope she’s not torturing them.Or perhaps she’s brainwashing the girls and they will come out like totally different people.”
“I hope that’s not true.”J whispered under his breath and Rich looked at him suspisiously.
“What!?”J asked as he noticed the strange look his bandmate was giving him and Rich shrugged his shoulders.
“Nothing.I just thought I heard something very strange coming from your mouth.”
“Forget about it.”J muttered back and Rich grinned innocently.
“Perhaps I will,perhaps I won’t.”
J just wanted to make another remark on that when the door opened and the girls,including Lauren,stepped inside.
“So,now I see you,let me introduce myself.”Lauren exclaimed with her sweetest grin while she stepped forward and shook the guys’ hands.
“Talking about moodswings…”Sean mumbled under his breath before looking over at Tam to see if she was alright.She seemed to be though cuz she was smiling.Perhaps Lauren wasn’t that mean after all.But still she had told them off and that was something Five weren’t going to forgive that easily…

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