“It’s not what you think,”said Sean quickly.”Their house burnt down.”
“Really?”muttered Abs under his breath. ”Even I haven’t had such an orgie yet.”
Dee nodded at Sean’s comment.”She overthere set it on fire-AGAIN.”
“I don’t get the hell what you’re talking about!Who are you?What are you doing here?”demanded Scott.
“Easy Spikey.I’m Tamara, she’s Wendy or Dee and the girl with the redhair’s Daphne.As Dee said, our house burnt down.Sean and J offered us to stay here, and that’s pretty much it, ain’t it?”
“That’s right.”added J.”I won’t bore you with how we got to meet, it’s a long story.I’ll tell when we’ve got loads of time. LOADS of time.”he said, when he saw Ritchie was about to protest.”Anyway, girls, these are our mates, Rich, Abs and Scott.They CAN be gentlemen, if they want to.We’re in a popband, Five.”
“We know you!” laughed Dee. “Oh Daph, I don’t think you ever made it that far joyriding a car from J Five!”
“What!” exclaimed the three lads together, and J put his hands up in defeat.”Sit down, you’ll be dropping off your chair in surprise..”
“Which is still better though than fainting on the edge of the table.”added Tamara clinically.

About thirty minutes and a thousand questions, oh’s, ah’s and surprised exclaims later, the whole story was told. “And wha’ might yer be doin’ in normal life?”asked Rich. “I study English history and they sew up.”answered Daphne.
“Sew?” repeated Abs surprised. Daphne nodded.”Dee follows a fashion course so she sews designs. Tamara studies medical Biology so she sews people up.”
“Sew people up?!That’s disgusting.”stated Scott.Tamara shook her head.”No it’s not. If you slice people open you’ve gotta sew ‘em up again otherwise their filling is likely to fall out.”she explained.
They all choked on that a little.
“Hey girls?”said J. “Perhaps you should go and have a look at your house?We can give you a ride.”
“And squeeze 5 people in a two-seater again?I don’t think so. We’ll just have a cab.”answered Dee. J shrugged.”Fine with me.”
When they were gone, he turned to his mates and said:”Anyone agree with me as I say those girls are really weird?”
“When would be the last time you’ve looked into a mirror?”replied Abs with a wicked grin.

“Tam, can’t you get anything right?You’ve set the house on fire and then that stupid vase off Lee STILL lives. Will I ever get rid of it?”complained Daphne holding the incredible ugly ‘present’ from her ex-boyfriend. Dee sighed. “Here, watch the Professional.” She said and grabbed it from Daphne’s hands. “I’ll just put it overthere…oops, how clumsy of me!” she exclaimed, as she threw the vase through the open window, which caused her friends falling in an enormous fit of laughter. Just then, a thunderstorm of outrageous curses reached them and Daphne leaned dangerously far out of the window to have a look. “I think you hit something Dee.”she remarked. “Mister Welsh from third floor to be exact.”
“Really?”asked Dee, forming a grin on her face and Tamara leaned out of window too, just to be saved from dropping dead literally as Daph grabbed her shirt and pulled her back inside. “Yup,”she said unmoved by the incident,”Right on his bald spot. Bullseye, mate.”
Dee shrugged.”I don’t like him anyway,”she replied simply,”Can we go? I’m suffocating in here.” The appartement was still very smoky, and the girls left after getting some clothes and other stuff to Sean and J’s house.

2 hours later…

The three girls sat peacefully in the living room when the lads returned from the studio. Sean immediately left to his bedroom but J entered the living room. He drank a can of Pepsi and paced up and down the living room. “You remind of a certain someone”Tam told him, glancing at Daphne. Daphne glanced back evily, but didn’t say a thing. The fights over her irritating habit of continually pacing up and down had started years ago.
“I’m growing restless,”J annouced. “I think I’ll go over to my dear friend Bryan Westlife to see if I can make him a bit uncomfortable.”
“And how uncomfortable would that be?”asked Tamara grinning. J shrugged and grinned as well. “I dunno, I was thinking of taking him up a cliff, slicing him open, wrapping his guts around a tree and kicking him over the edge.”
“J!That’s horrible!”exclaimed Daphne in disgust.
“Just think of it as an experiment, Daph.I wanna find out if his guts break when he comes to the end or that he bounces instead.”
“That will DO, J!”
He was still laughing that wicked laugh of his as he walked out of the room.
“He is an evil man”Daphne told the others.
“Fun, though”added Dee.

After a few more days the girls could return to their home-but the guys had become lifelong friends. J, Sean, Ritchie, Abs and Scott liked the crazy, fun-and danger-addicted girls, and the girls liked the lads for the same reason. But could the combination of 8 totally delusional freaks work out?

NOTE OF THE AUTHOR:U can keep your hatemail, I have no particular hate for Westlife..not more than *NSYNC anyway….

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