“We are gathered here today to remember our dear friend Cindy Ashton.”
Rain was falling from heaven like tears and no other weather condition would have fitted the mood on the graveyard better.Cindy had died too young,far too young,but nobody at all could have stopped her destiny.Suddenly her life had been taken by a drunk driver who was sick of his own miserable life but still no-one could understand why he had to pull Cindy with him into his own misery.When the ambulance arrived at the scene of the terrible accident it had already been too late for Cindy.Her lifeless body was brought to hospital and now it was time for her friends and family to say their last “goodbyes”.
It was then when her boyfriend had heard about the tragic accident.Cindy’s lover,better known as Jason Brown,was planning on a nice romantic evening with his Cindy when a doctor had ruined his whole life.She was the one that had made him complete and happy and with that one phonecall everything was gone forever.J couldn’t accept it.He felt it was his fault,that he should have protected Cindy forever,that he hadn’t been a good boyfriend.Although his family and friends tried to convince him from the opposit it just had no use at all,J didn’t believe whatever they said.
Sean glanced over to his best friend,who was standing next to him besides the white coffin covered with red roses.He was terribly worried about his mates condition.Ever since Cindy’s death J hadn’t slept,nor eaten and he even had lost his way of talking about his feelings.J had just shut everybody else out,not willing to talk about his beloved girlfriend.
The priest ended the ceremony with a prayer,most people leaving after that,some of them throwing flowers on the coffin.Sean was watching J as he waited patiently for everybody to leave so he could say goodbye one more time,just being alone with the person he had loved most in the whole world for the last time ever.Sean respected his friend’s wish and he left also,deciding to wait in the car for J’s return.
J took his time when showing his love for Cindy for the final time.He looked at the beautiful dark red rose,Cindy’s favorite flower,in his hand,not minding when a thorn cut his finger.A drop of blood fell down on the lid of the coffin,the bright red a huge contrast to the pale white.With a gentle movement he laid the flower down on the lit,touching the wood like it was Cindy’s body he would caress.”I love you,for always and forever.”J whispered,one single tear falling from his eyes.He wiped it away,still remembering how much it had always hurted Cindy when he was crying.Then he turned around,running back to his car and leaving the biggest love of his life behind…


“Boys,interview in twenty minutes.”Rob announced. “Oh no,I’m not ready yet!”Scott yelled while looking in the mirror and running out of the door,looking for Ben,their stylist.
“Mister Hyper is back again,and it’s not even afternoon.”Abs smirked while trying to keep a bowl of popcorn as far away from Rich as possible.Sean was sitting in a chair,looking at the whole scene in front of him.Suddenly he noticed the way J was staring out of the window of the hotelroom.Ever since the loss of his girlfriend J was a totally different person.In the past he used to have bad as well as funny moods but both of them had disappeared completely.Now the only thing left was a guy without any dreams or wishes,someone that wasn’t interested in life at all anymore.Sean had tried a million times to talk to J but everytime he tried to do so J refused to say a thing at all.”And we used to be so close.”Sean pondered.Sean walked over to his mate and grabbed his shoulder. “Are you alright?”
J looked at Sean like he didn’t understand a word from what he was saying but then shrugged his shoulders. “You know J,it’s been over a month.You should really start to get over it now.I’m sure Cindy never would have wanted this.”
“And how the hell do you know that!?”J suddenly yelled.It was the first time in ages that J showed any kind of emotion and it shocked Sean but he didn’t want to let go now. “She was my friend,too!She might have been your girl but I was one of her mates!”Sean commented frustrated.
“Listen Sean,you aren’t my father so just stop bugging me!”
“I’m not bugging you,it’s just some advice which you should use!”
Suddenly J stood up from his chair and kicked the stool away. “You know,I have a better idea!I’m just leaving right now!”he hollered. Abs and Rich also stood up at those words. “J,you cannot mean that!”Abs said but J just shook his head and replied”Oh,but I do!I quit this fucking job!The job that kept me so busy that I forgot about my girlfriend!I wasn’t there for her when she was still alive and now she’s gone and I blew it all!I’m going and I will never come back again!Just find some replacement!”
J walked over to the door and opened it but Sean grabbed his arm and said firmly”No,you are not going like this!”
“And who’s gonna stop me!?You!?”
Sean turned around and told Abs”Get Rob,NOW!” The rapper sped away but J said”That’s not gonna help!I’m leaving!”
“No!What would you do without us,J!?” J glared at Sean,then yelled”Don’t make me angry,Sean!” At that moment Rob came through the door and asked”Alright,what’s the problem again?” “Rob,I’m leaving,that’s all.”J announced while shrugging his shoulders,not able to see the problem at that moment.
“J,you can’t.I know it’s hard to move on after you lost someone very important,but you have no other choise.You can’t just say you’re gonna leave the band!What would we have to do with all the gigs and promo?”Rob tried to calm J down but the singer wasn’t listening anymore.He just grabbed the doorknob for a second time and swung the door open. “I don’t care what you have to do!I want to leave and I will right now!” And with those words he ran out of the room…

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