J closed the trunk of his Audi TT and sighed deeply.Luckily nobody had followed him after the whole incident at the studio,probably because they thought he just needed some time,but they were wrong.He had packed all his important belongings,ready to leave his old life forever.J stepped inside the car and looked around one last time.His old apartment he used to share with Sean was dark,the blue curtains closed.Sean was old enough to take care of his own now and he no longer needed J�s help,or so he thought.J started the engine,turning the volume of his carradio up and speeding away.He knew that he couldn�t go without saying goodbye to her and so his way leaded to the graveyard.There he parked the vehicle and walked over to her grave.J sat down next to the cross,which was made of stone,and layed a bouquet of flowers on the wet ground.
�Hi sweetie.Well,I finally decided what I have to do.I can�t stay here any longer so I will just follow my heart and go.I don�t know if I will ever come back again but I�m sure you�re looking down on me anyway,no matter where I am.Anyway,I love you and that�s never to change.So goodbye,baby.�
J then stood up and got back to his waiting car.Without further hestitation he drove away,not even knowing where to go.His first idea was driving to Darrington but the lads and his family would probably immediatly know he had gone there,simply because that was where he was raised.After a bit of thinking J had another idea.He would just start his journey and end wherever he felt save from his past.And so he left his old life as a popstar to start all over again in the safety of anonimity�

�He is gone!�Sean yelled into the phone,pacing up and down the apartment.He had just arrived at home,counting on finding J there,but his shock was huge when he had found nothing but an empty room.The only things left where a bed and a drawer,together with a bunch of gold records and awards.
�What!?He is gone!?�Abs,on the other end of the phone yelled. �Yeah,everything is gone!I�I really don�t know what to do right now!� �Sean,calm down and call his parents first.Maybe he went there or to some other friends or family.�Abs said,although he had a strong feeling that J just wanted to be alone. �Alright,I will.But what if he�s not there?Should I just call the police,then?� �Yeah,maybe that�s the best thing to do.But please,don�t give up hope until you have called everyone he could have gone to.In the meantime I will just call Rob.�
�Good Abs.Call you later,mate.�
�Okay,take care.�
�I will.�
Sean put the telephone down and sighed. �Damnit J,where have you gone?�
In the meantime J was already far away from London,on his way to Blackpool to be exact.J had always loved the sea and when Cindy had still been there he and his girlfriend had spend loads of free time at the beach,just enjoying the sight and eachother�s company. He knew that the trip to Blackpool would bring back beautiful memories from the past and he was looking forward to it very much.J was driving along a quiet road through some fields,humming along to a song on the radio when suddenly a sharp light appeared in front on his car.J immediatly noticed that it was another vehicle,but on the wrong side of the road.The singer tried everything to dodge a crash but it was too late.The cars drove right into eachother.J�s car ended up at the side of the road,the only thing that was left of the car a total wreck.The other driver sped away,not even stopping once.J felt warm blood trickling down his head,his left arm hurting terribly.With his last strenght J pulled himself out of the car and towards the road to get help but before he even had the change to reach it,he lost conscience�

J woke up with a trobbing headache,not knowing where he was.He opened his eyes but immediatly closed them again after getting blinded by the sun.
�Hey,are you awake?�
J�s eyes shot open after hearing that soft voice.
�You really are awake,huh?�
Suddenly a friendly face appeared in front of J.It was a girl,probably in her early twenties,with brown hair and pretty blue eyes.She smiled at J and sat down next to him on the bed.
�God,I�m glad you�re awake at last.How are you feeling?�she asked.J decided to ignore her question and asked�Where am I?�
�You�re in Derby.And you probably already guessed that this is my house.You had a caraccident and my friend Ian and I found you at our weekly trip to a nearby village to go shopping and brought you here.We found you at the side of the road but I�m sorry to tell you that your car is totally crashed.�
J was trying hard to understand everything the girl was telling him. �What�s your name?�J suddenly asked. �Oh yeah,of course!Well,I am Nicole Patrick but you can just call me Nicky.And who are you?�she answered to his question.
�I�m J Brown.�
�Hi J.Nice to meet you.�Nicky said while shaking the guy�s hand. �Well,try to sleep a bit more until the doctor comes to check up on you.He�s already been here right after we found you and diagnosed that you have a sprained ankle and a light concussion.Oh yeah,and your left arm is dislocated so you probably can not move it for a while.� J nodded in reply,thankfull he could sleep a bit more. �Thank you Nicky.�
�Hey,you�re welcome.It�s no big deal,though.I�ll see you later.�
And with those words the girl left the room. J closed his eyes again,realizing he had been terribly lucky,and fell back asleep right away�

In the meantime the police in London were more than busy with the disappearance of J.Although the boys and his family tried to keep the press as far away from everything as possibly,some tabloids already knew about the whole thing and wrote long articals about it.Most of the things they said were lies,as always,but some of them were nearer to the truth than anyone could imagine.Although nobody had heard anything of J since he had left,Sean was sure he was doing alright and had just gone away to be alone for a while�

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