In Derby J was trying his hardest to get out of bed,ignoring both the pain and the doctor’s advice to stay in bed for a few more days.After several times he finally made it to stand up straight but when he tried to take a step forward he lost his balance and almost fell to the floor.Luckily Nicky came in at that moment and she shook her head when she saw what J was up to.
“What do you think you’re doing?You belong to stay in bed.”she said while grabbing J’s arm and steadying him again.J sighed deeply and replied with”Listen,I know you’re trying to help me but I think it’s time for me to leave again.”
“And how are you planning on doing that?You can’t even walk without help so how do you want to leave this house?”
J shrugged his shoulders.He hadn’t thought of that yet,the only thing on his mind leaving as fast as possible again to prevent his family from finding him.
“Alright,maybe I’ve got a plan but first I want you to rest again.”Nicky told J while pushing him gently to the bed.He nodded,knowing he couldn’t leave anyway,and laid down.While she covered him with some blankets again,Nicole began with”I don’t know what it is you’re running away from,and you don’t need to tell me either,but you can’t leave just yet.It would strain you out too much.”
J looked at her in shock.How did she know he was on the run? “I’m not running away from something.”J exclaimed,trying to make it sound as convincing as possible.Nicole gave him a look and replied”Oh,come on J,it’s obvious!When I asked if you wanted me to inform someone you told me there was nobody that needed to know about this whole thing!If you weren’t on the run you would at least have called your girlfriend or something!”
J swallowed.If only he could call his girlfriend.Nicky immediatly noticed the hurt look in his eyes and asked”Hey,did I say something wrong?I didn’t mean to upset you.”
But J shook his head wildly.”You know,you should mind your own business first before you start moaning about my problems!You have got no clue what’s up with me and as far as I’m concerned it’s none of your business either!”
Nicole rolled her eyes and yelled back”Fine then Jason,but don’t forget that I saved your arse out of that car!”And with those words she walked out of the room again…

The police in London had finally achieved the first results in the investigations.The owner of a garage in Manchester had called the police after hearing the whole story about J on a newsbroadcast.He was sure he had the black Audi TT in his garage after recieving it from a caraccident,and now he was looking forward to a reward of several 100 pounds,something the lads had decided to give to the person with the first useful clue.The police had immediatly taken the phonecall seriously and after a small examination they were convinced that it was J’s car indeed.The lads and J’s family had been both happy and worried after the reports,happy that they finally heard something after days of fear,worried because it meant he had been involved in a caraccident.Immediatly all the hospitals in the surroundings of Manchester had been checked but without success.And so they realized that waiting for some news was the only thing they could do…

“J?Are you asleep?”Nicky asked as she entered the bedroom that evening.Since the argument she had had with J she hadn’t talked to him anymore and she began to get worried about him cuz he hadn’t even called her once.
“No,I’m not.”he softly said.Nicky sat down next to him on the bed and stated”I’m sorry about this afternoon.You’re right,I haven’t got a clue about your past and the stuff you’ve been through but I’m just trying to help you.”
“It’s not your fault.”J replied.
“I think it is.”
“No.It’s just…I’ve been through so many bad stuff lately I can’t cope with that I just don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Is there nobody you can talk to?”Nicole asked him in surprise and J shook his head.”I don’t wanna talk to the people back home.The only thing they’re trying to do is to tell me how to live my life.”
They just sat together on the bed for a while before J asked”Would you like to hear why I’m on the run?”
Nicky looked back at J in surprise and nodded her head before saying”Of course,if you’re sure you wanna tell me about it.” “I’m certain.”J said.
He took a deep breath and then started telling this stranger in front of him about the stuff he had been keeping inside for so long…

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