The next morning Nicky woke up right next to J in bed,immediatly clearly remembering what had happened the previous night.The feelings of shock and surprise over his past still were very fresh and Nicole just kept on wondering how J could have been hiding it all for so long.She now knew what a rough time he was going through and she had promised him to try everything to make his life a comfortable as possible again,including hiding him from the outside world.The last thing J needed was getting confronted with his friends and family and so Nicky realized she had to keep his stay at her house a secret for as long as possible. Nicole crawled out of bed,making sure that J still was sleeping peacefully,before she walked out of the room to make a cup of tea.She was just making herself some toast when the doorbell rang.Nicole raised an eyebrow,wondering who would possibly come to see her that early,and made her way over to the frontdoor.
�Hey Ian,what are you doing here?�Nicky asked as soon as she had opened the door and noticed her boyfriend standing in the doorway.
�Is that guy we got out of that car still staying here?�was the first thing that came from his lips.Nicole looked at him in surprise but then nodded her head and replied�Yeah,he still is.Why Ian?�
�I just wanted to let you know that since you are spending more time with him than with me lately,it�s better if we stop seeing eachother.�
That really was the last thing Nicole had expected to hear and she could feel her heart breaking at that moment.
�You heard me right.We should break up.�Ian repeated not very touched by the whole thing. �But why?Only because I�m helping someone who�s into trouble?�Nicky asked,not wanting to accept Ian�s decision.
�That�s not the only reason.I�m just not in love with you anymore,Nicole.It�s started a long time ago and I just wanna go out and do whatever I wanna do without asking for your permission.�
Nicky just stared down at her feet,not wanting to show how much Ian�s words were actually hurting her.
�Then go.�she suddenly hissed.Ian nodded his head and walked away without even taking the time to say another thing to comfort his long-term girlfriend at all.Nicole watched as he entered his car and drove off,still not being able to take it all in.She was staring at the now empty street,too lost in thoughts and memories to hear someone stumbling down the stairs. �What�s happened?�
Nicole turned around at the sound of J�s voice and shrugged her shoulders in reply. �I�I don�t really know myself.But you�you shouldn�t be here.�she stuttered while she tried to push J back up the stairs again.
�Listen,I�m fine.I just wanna know what�s wrong with you.I heard yelling��he exclaimed,just wanting to know what had happened while he was still in bed. Nicole looked up at J,realizing that he was seriously worried about her. �Ian left me.�she softly mumbled and J raised an eyebrow.
�Because�no,I won�t tell you.�Nicole all of a sudden decided.She didn�t want J to feel responseble for her split from Ian and she knew he would if she told him the truth. �You shouldn�t keep it all inside,you know?�J tried again but Nicky shook her head wildly and exclaimed�Let�s just say our love was over.�
�Fine then but remember that if you need someone to talk to,I�m right here.�
Nicole nodded with a small,sad smile and stated�Well,since you�re here anyway,let�s get you some tea.�
She gently pushed J towards the small kitchen of the house but while she put the kettle on she realized she had lost life as she had known it until now�

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