The remaining members of Five had finally heard some new rumours again about the place J was staying.They all felt more hopeful after finding out about them but it still were rumours and no clear information.Everyone was able to contact a tabloid and sell a so-called true story but it certainly wasn�t a guarantee to find J there.
They all were sitting in one of the rooms of their headquarters,awaiting some news of the recordcompany.Since J had left they hadn�t even thought of how to continue but the fans were just as worried about J as they were and they needed to know whether it was a good idea to keep going on as a band or to call it a day.
Just when they thought Chris would arrive any minute,Sean�s mobile phone started to ring.Three pairs of awaiting eyes looked up and Sean just shrugged his shoulders before picking the phone up.At first it seemed like the conversation wasn�t that interesting at all but all of a sudden Sean shook his head in confusion and he questioned loudly�What!?� The others just shared a few curious glances,not being used to such an exitement from the normally so relaxed Sean.Finally Sean thanked the person on the other side of the phone and hung up.
�Well,what was it?�Rich asked and Sean exclaimed�They saw him.�
�What!?�said Scott and Abs at the same time and Sean nodded again.
�They saw him in the North,probably on the night he left here.According to the time it must have been only a little while before his caraccident.The police are starting investigations near Manchester.�
�Really!?�Abs questioned in surprise and Sean just nodded.Scott smiled also and stated�God,that�s the best news in ages!�
�Don�t you think it would be a good idea to inform the media about it now?Everyone will look out for him if we tell what exactly is going on.�Rich said but Sean immediatly shook his head and replied a simple�No.�
�Why not?�
�Because that will only make him run away again.�
Scott interupted them and exclaimed�Well,let�s listen to Sean.he�s J�s best friend so he probably knows him just a little better than we do.�
Finally all of them agreed and the discussion was over but the thought of J still not being found did put a lot of weight on each of the lads� shoulders�

�Oh damn!�Nicole sweared when reading the headlines on the new edition of The Sun : �Five Star spotted in the North.�
�What�s �oh damn�.�a deep voice suddenly asked and Nicky turned around on her chair.J was standing in the doorway,his hair dripping wet after taking a shower,his first again in ages.He finally felt a little better and already fit enough to spend some time out of bed again. �I don�t think you wanna know.�Nicole sighed while he took a seat across from her and grabbed the newspaper from the table.
�So they finally tracked me down��J muttered after reading the short article which said nothing more than that a certain Elley B. had seen him at a petrolstation a little while before his caraccident.
�What are you going to do now?�Nicky questioned but J shook his head and sighed�I haven�t got a clue.I can�t stay here much longer,that�s for sure.�
�Well,whatever it is what�s you�re gonna do next,I�ll try to help you as much as I possibly can.�
J smiled at Nicole�s words and said a gentle�Thanks.�
�You�re welcome.I know you don�t wanna go back and if I can do anything to help you I�ll be glad.�
J nodded thankfully before he all of a sudden yawned and Nicky stated�You go back to bed and lay down a little while I try to think of a plan.�
�Don�t you mind?�
�No,of course not.�
J got up and replied�Once again,I cannot thank you enough for helping me.�
�It�s alright.Now,go to bed before I change my mind and still want you here to keep me company!�
And with one final smile J walked out of the room and back to the safety and warmth of his bed�

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