“Nicky,where are you?”J asked while knocking on the door to her bedroom.
“I’m right here.”a voice behind him exclaimed and J turned around to find his friend.She immediately noticed the strange look into his eyes and she asked worried”What’s wrong?”
But J shook his head and smiled.
“Nothing’s wrong love.I’ve just made a decision.”
Nicole raised an eyebrow and asked in surprise”What are you going to do then?”
“I will go to Sweden.”
“Yeah,I have some friends in Stockholm and I’m sure I can stay there for a while.”
J saw the disappointed features on Nicole’s face and asked softly”Are you alright?”
Nicky looked up startled and nodded fast.
“I’m fine.It’s just…are you sure you wanna go that far away?”
J watched Nicky as she fiddled with a ring on her finger before he stated”Yes.It’s much safer like that.If I stay in the U.K. there will come a time that people will start to recognize me and I don’t want that.Are you not happy for me?”
She shook her head and pulled J into a hug.
“Of course I’m happy for you.”
“But nothing.”
J pushed Nicole away and shook his head.
“Don’t lie te me.”
“I will just miss your company,that’s all.”
J smiled warmly and replied”That can be fixed.”
Nic looked up at him questioning and the rapper continued with”You could come with me.”
“J,you know I’m poor.I can’t pay something like that.And besides,where would I be staying?Your friends don’t even know me.”
“First of all,we could also stay in a hotel.Second,I know you don’t have the money.But you also must know by now that I do have it.”
Nicole stared into J’s eyes to see if he was sincere in what he was saying but she had to admit he was speaking the truth.
“J,I can’t accept that.”
“Why not?Come on,we will have a great time!”
She looked down at her feet,wondering what she had to do.
“Please?Do it for me.”J asked and Nicky grinned at him.
“When are we leaving?”
“What about Saturday?”
“Great.Then I’ll start packing my bags right now.”

“My God,I’m knackered.”J exclaimed while he let himself fall down onto the bed in the large hotelroom.
He and Nicole had just arrived in Stockholm after a flight of three hours and now both of them were pretty tired.J had been very glad that nobody had recognized him at the airport and he had even passed the passport control without any difficulties.
Nicole fell down right next to J and asked”What are we going to do now?”
He looked up and raised an eyebrow.
“Are you already awake?” J turned onto his side and looked at Nicole.
“I just wanna stay here really.”
She shrugged her shoulders in annoyance and stared up at the ceiling.J just wanted to say something when all of a sudden a warm tickling feeling surged through his body.He closed his eyes for a second,trying to get a grip on himself again.He knew the feeling but it had been such a long time since he had actually felt it that it now almost was strange.He had thought he would never feel it again after Cindy’s death and it came like a major surprise to him that he felt it now with Nicole.
“Are you alright?”a gentle voice moved through the air and J opened his eyes again.Nicole looked down at him with her big blue eyes and no matter how hard he tried,J couldn’t stop staring at her.
“J?”she asked again,this time a bit more urgent.At that second J put his hand on the side of Nicky’s’face and pulled her towards him slowly.She didn’t move away and carefully their lips came closer to eachother,right until they touched gently…

In the meantime the record company had sent the four remaining lads to Sweden to discuss some stuff about Five’s upcoming album.They all thought it was the wrong time,especially after hearing several rumours about J’s hiding place,but none of their pleading had helped.Chris had promised to keep them informed about any news about J anyway and had made sure the lads could return home as soon as J had contacted anyone.
The four didn’t stop worrying,though.That evening after some tiring conversations with the recordcompany and their writers the lads decided to go clubbing to relax a bit.But little did they know what was going to happen that very night…

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