A sullen figure was sitting against a wall. It was getting dark now and the streetlights were just beginning to come on. Looking out over the horizon, this person seemed to be trying to blank out all his feelings.
This person was, of course, Scott Robinson from the teen boy band 5ive. His eyes were hard and transfixed on the building in front of him. He felt so enraged by his feelings. He couldn�t control himself anymore, but he didn�t know why, he couldn�t work it out.
It had begun all five months ago. He had met the most amazing girl, her name was Elley and he fell in love with her instantly. That was the most special day of his life. He had never felt that way before.
He gazed up and down the street. He knew that he was becoming a danger zone, but he didn�t put that down to Elley, she was his whole world and he adored her, but if only he hadn�t slept with her that night, if only he had waited just a little longer. Scott of course didn�t know this but Elley knew, she knew everything. His thoughts drifted back to the other lads in 5ive, he had been so awful to them this afternoon, he hadn�t meant to tell them he would see them in hell. He just felt as though he couldn�t cope, his life was turning upside down and he could do nothing to stop it.
Scott needed to get home, he needed to see Elley, he needed to be close to her, to know that she loved him. He was unsure of how she felt of him after that night. He could kiss her and she would look as if it meant nothing to her, he couldn�t get his head around this, he needed to know, he wanted to know why. Scott was sure that Elley was just afraid of getting to close, he wasn�t though, the only thing he was afraid of was himself.
Somehow this seemed farmiliar to him, he was sure that he had been here before, that was ridiculous though, how could he have been her before?, this was the first time he had felt like this, so why did he feel so strange inside?. Scott just sat there, looking towards the mountains, he was looking at the setting sun. Maybe this wasnt the end of the tale, maybe there was more to come. That was something he would never find out.

Elley crashed on her bed, glad of her lucky escape, she didn�t know how it had happened but someone had given her another chance, someone had looked upon her and seen how much she needed to be saved. Finally the nightmare had ended, she felt grateful and calm and tranquil, from now on she was going to make Scott happy, Elley got up and went to the front door, a car was just pulling onto the drive.
Elley ran over to Scott and threw her arms around his neck as soon as he had gotten out of the car.
"Hey, whats all this then?" Scott asked as he hugged her back, he was obviously surprised by her outburst.
"I�m sorry about everything, can you forgive me?" Elley said as she burried her face in his shoulder.
Scott smiled and nodded his head "course i do, but as long as you promise never to hurt me ever again".
Elley lifted her head and looked into his pretty blue eyes "Okay, I promise" she said "I'll never do anything like that again".
Scott grinned at her "You sure?" he enquired. Elley just nodded "Yeah, cos i'll always know not to" she replied Scott smiled and let her go.
"How will you always know not to?" he asked.
"When I Remember When" she replied.

The End....................................... Or Is It?

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