“Yes that will be fine, thank you very much, goodbye” Elley replied just before she hung up the phone receiver. She sat back on the sofa and sighed. How could she just up and leave at a time like this?
Maybe she was just taking the easy way out, but maybe she needed to get away.Maybe it would be best for her and for Scott if she just upped and left without saying goodbye.

“ sure is quiet without Scott” Abs exclaimed as he sat with the other lads at the dance choreography centre. “I sure hope he’ll be ok soon”.
Sean wandered over to his cheeky little friend and put a hand on his shoulder. “This is hard on us all you know Abs.”he replied,“I mean, its worse for you and Ritchie cos you were, like his best mates but we all miss him and want him to be ok, even if we don’t look as though we do”
Abs nodded his head.He knew it was right but he missed having his friend around even if he was acting strange recently.
“You guys, I’m gonna go and see Scott in the hospital” Ritchie said. “I feel bad not being there and I guess Elley would really like our company at the moment”.

There was a knock at the door.Elley got up and hesitated before she answered it.Siobhan was standing there with a rather unimpressed glance on her face.
“Hey girl, what the hell took so long.I thought you were never going to answer the door”. Siobhan watched her friend “So, how is Scott then?”she asked.
Elley, walked into the living room of Scott’s house.“He’s ok but they are just hoping he comes out of the coma soon.”she replied,“I guess I will be lucky if I ever see him alive again.”
Siobhan went over to her best friend and tried to reassure her “ Elley, I am sure that Scott will be ok, just give him some time.You know Scott,he bounces back like nothing has happened”.
There was a sullen moment…

Abs was sat on a hospital chair outside his best friends hospital room. Abs was staring at the wall, he was waiting for the others to turn up.He hadn’t meant to wander off on his own, but the others didnt know how he was feeling.Abs was also blaming himself for the accident, why hadn’t he been behind Scott, why had he been three cars back? Maybe if he had,Scott would still be here now, maybe Abs would be the one in the coma.
How could he think this? He had to be strong for Scott, not be like a shivering wreck. He didnt know what to do, he had never been good at comforting anyone. How was he supposed to support Elley if he couldn’t cope himself. Abs looked up and down the corridor. What was he going to do?

Elley headed up the corridor towards Abs. It was a good thing that Siobhan had urged her to come and see Scott.She couldn’t just leave and never see him again.That would hurt too much for both of them.Elley loved Scott to death, and she could see that he obviously loved her as well.They were like the same person. There was no way she was just going to take off and leave him here, she had to find a way to help him get better. If only she didnt have this power. If only she had never slept with him that night.She was getting hysterical by now. How could she even blame that wonderful night?Everything had been perfect, they had gone to the cinema, from there he had taken her to a coffee shop for a drink after the film and then they had gone for a long walk in the moonlight followed by a long lingering kiss.The air had been cold that night,Scott had given her his coat to keep warm.She remembered how she had thought he was so sweet,she remembered how he had put his arm around her and promised that he would always be there for her.
They had only been together for two four months when it had happened. It had felt so right,but now it seemed so wrong.Elley couldn’t blame that though could she?.A moonlight night was the cause of this. Elley was remembering that time.
“Hello, Elley are you there?” Abs called as he waved his hand in front of Elley’s face. Elley had been in a total daze, and he had been talking to her as if she was listening. Abs pulled a stupid face to get her attention, he was good at that, that’s why he was getting so popular with the ladies.Abs liked the attention, so far he was enjoying it, not taking advantage of his moment of popularity. “Sorry Abs.I was in a daze.” Elley began as she looked up at Abs, he was looking at the floor.

J was pacing the lobby of the studios as he waited for his girlfriend Chrysie to turn up.She was always late for their dates,as usual she would turn up looking fabulous and give him a sweet little kiss on the cheek.He liked that even though he looked like the type who couldn’t stand anything remotely romantic.
J’s mind wandered back to Scott, if only there was something he could do about it. J looked at his watch he was getting frustrated now, just like Scott was before on the night he had been waiting for Elley to turn up. J thought about his cheeky little friend.It was too quiet without Scott around,J missed him, not that the others didnt miss him but J was different to them.He was on the same wavelength as Scott in many ways.He didnt show it though, he felt to embarrassed to be seen as a cheeky little guy when he had that tough image to protect. “Hm,there is definitely nothing physically wrong with him.” doctor Abrahams said as he gave Scott a full check up while he was unconscious.“My main concern now is the coma, he should, in theory be out of it by now, he didnt sustain a bad fracture to the skull and he seems to be rather stable condition at the moment”. “Yes that is quite a serious problem,” a nurse replied as she wandered about cleaning up behind the doctor,“He did gain it very briefly on the night he was brought in here but that seemed to be a rather strange occurrence and im not sure that it lasted all of two minutes”. There was a silent moment, the air in the room seemed to settle and stop for a little while. Suddenly there was a buzzing noise and one little finger moved slowly as if it had just come back to life. “Quickly, get Miss Holling in here right now” the doctor shouted. The nurse ran out of the room and quickly ushered Elley into the room, without saying the word. “Abs, get the rest of the lads” Elley shouted as she tried to find out what was going on. “Yeah sure” Abs replied as he headed down the corridor towards a pay phone. “ God what the hell is going on?”

Elley looked at the doctor “ What do you mean he moved his finger?”she asked.She didn’t understand that this was a very important factor in Scotts’ recovery.“Will he be ok?He’s not gonna be ok is he?”she asked hurriedly, her words came out quickly, not even giving the doctor enough time to answer her back.
“ Miss Holling, you don’t seem to understand, your boyfriend is going to be absolutely fine.It seems that since he has moved whilst in the coma,it is apparent that he is 100% stable and should make a full recovery”.
Elley felt a wave of tranquillity fall over her,she felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she was obviously very relieved that he would be fine.She still had to tell him the truth though, it wouldn’t be right not to.Soon he would know the truth and soon her fate would be decided for her.

“Hello J” Abs said as he heard J at the other end of the line “ Its me Abs, im just phoning about Scott”.
“ What about him?” J asked anxiously, Chrysie still hadn’t turned up and he was getting bored.
“ I dunno man, but Elley told me to get all you guys here.” he replied,“Just get here as quick as you can.”
Abs hung up the phone. He didn’t know what was going on right now,but all he hoped was that it would be good news.He didn’t wanna loose his best friend.
“Oh hell man, please just let him be alright.”

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