“How long are they going to make us wait?” Sean complained as he sat outside Scott’s hospital room with the rest of the 5ive lads and Elley. “ We should know what’s going on by now shouldn’t we?”
They had been waiting for hours now, J was getting impatient along with Sean, Abs had gone to get a cup of coffee ages ago and wasn’t back yet and Ritchie was chatting up a nurse.
Elley watched the lads. She could see how important Scott was to them, she understood the bond between good friends as she had some close friends herself, Siobhan was one of them.
Siobhan was the only other person who really knew the truth. Siobhan had been the only person she could trust, and that’s what made it so difficult to tell people. Right now she felt as though everyone was judging her love for scott. Not that they were, she just felt that way.
Abs came towards them holding a cup of coffee, he looked tired and he sat down next to Elley and looked at her. “ Elley, can I ask you something?” Abs asked her as he sipped his coffee. Elley nodded, “ sure I guess you can, what is it?” Abs shook his head. “I don’t really know to be honest” he looked away from her “ It’s just that I was thinking about Scott and why he was acting strange so before and I thought that you might have something to do with it” Elley fell silent for a moment. “Why would I know anything?” she asked “You know Scott better than I do and you know he acts funny from time to time”.
That was a big lie and she knew it, how could she carry on this charade without them finally finding out?She needed to keep it secret until Scott was well again, she couldn’t let them find out and then get to Scott before she did, it wouldn’t help her out, if she could tell scott first then maybe he would understand, maybe he would forgive her. Elley didnt know what to do, but she had to come up with a plan, fast.
A doctor went past and looked at them. Elley felt anxious and it was getting late now, it had almost been a hour since scott had moved and now no one was telling them anything.
“So guys, I know you think I’ve caused a lot of trouble lately but I really want to make amends with you all, you know over the whole, you never wanted me to get with scott thing” Elley said suddenly, breaking the silence “ I was in the wrong, Im sorry”.
J looked at her in surprise “ What’s brought this up all of a sudden?” he enquired “ I thought we had all forgotten about that”.
Elley shook her head, “I didnt, I couldn’t forget” she replied “ I feel as though you guys hate me sometimes, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you did”.
All the lads shook their heads in reply “Nope, don’t say that” J replied “We would never think of you that way, We know how much scott cares about you, we couldn’t let that happen”.
This made Elley feel a little better within herself. She had always thought that maybe she didn’t belong in this strange world where she had a lot to put up with from dating someone in the public eye. Scott had always been reassuring but it felt better when someone else said it to her. At least now she felt as though she was getting to know that lads better. That was all she had wanted really, perhaps this mistake had its advantage after all.
All they had to wait for now was some news about Scott. They had been waiting for hours now, perhaps they would never get any news, what if he was just having a mild spasm within his coma, why wouldn’t anyone tell them anything, why did they have to wait so long.
A doctor came out of Scott’s room and looked at them. He was trying not to show any emotion. Doctors were good at that, after all, it was their occupation right? They weren’t supposed to let their feelings get in the way of doing there job.
“ He’s awake” came the words that they had been waiting to hear. “ He’s totally fine.”
There was a rush of excitement and relief at that moment. The looked at each other and tried not to let their emotions get the better of them. Elley was more relieved than anyone, she had hoped for this all along, maybe she wasn’t cursed after all. Scott was alright and she was going to see him again, how could she not be happy?
“Can I see him?” Elley asked hurriedly, she wanted to see him now, she wanted to make sure he was alright. The doctor nodded at her and she smiled. Luck was on her side this time.
Slowly she went into the small room and looked at Scott, he was looking around the room, his eyes looked scared and bewildered, he didn’t look at her but she looked at him. She had worried so much that he wasn’t going to be alright, and now she cold see that he was. It was like everything was happening in slow motion, maybe it was, maybe time was standing still to let her deal with how she had felt. This was the moment she had been waiting for, she was happy, she had all these different feelings rushing through her mind at the same time. She couldn’t imagine how she would have felt if she had to deal with the news that Scott had died, she didnt want to think about that, she wasnt going to think like it.
Elley wanted to say something, but she didnt know what to say. It was a quiet moment now and she felt awkward, Scott wasnt looking at her, his eyes were fixed on the digital day calendar that hung on the wall, he was staring at it as if he didnt even know that she was there. Elley wondered if he hadn’t heard her come in, she had been quiet, she didnt want to startle him, she had just wanted to walk in and smile at him and know that everything would be alright, but, that hadn’t happened, something was wrong, something was terribly wrong.
“Scott, are you alright?” Elley asked suddenly, taking his attention, Scott looked at her with surprise, he hadn’t seen her there like she had suspected. “ I am so glad to see you.....I, I thought you were going to die.”
There was a blank moment between them. Elley looked into his bewildered, tired eyes.
“Who are you?” He asked.

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