Have you ever had the feeling that maybe something just wasn’t right?That’s how Elley felt right now, her boyfriend didnt know who she was, or at least was saying that he didn’t and she felt as though she was in a parallel universe. Life was getting worse by the minute.
“Scott, it is me Elley, we have been dating each other for five months, remember?” Elley said trying to jog his memory, he looked at her as though she was crazy.
“ No, I don’t know who you are, where’s Cassie?” He asked “Where is she, she’s my girlfriend not you”.
Elley had heard Scott talk about Cassie before, she was the girl he had dated before he had met Elley and Scott had talked about her a lot she had really cut him up inside and Elley had felt so sorry for him when he had told her how Cassie had cheated on him and then left him in a mess.
Elley felt sad. She loved Scott so much, but he couldn’t remember her. Cassie was the one he loved at the moment, but he didnt know that they had broken up, he didn’t realise that he had forgotten all about her, she guessed that maybe she wasn’t that important to him after all.
“Scott, you really don’t know who I am, do you?” she asked “Are you sure that you don’t remember me?”.
Scott shook his head, “No, I don’t know who you are” he replied “What’s your name again?”.
Elley shook her head “That doesn’t matter Scott” she replied “I am a part of your life, you know you are in 5ive right?”
Scott nodded his head, “Yeah I know that, where are the guys anyway?” he enquired “Do you know them?”.
Elley nodded her head again “Of course I do, I know them really well”.
Scott didnt seem to believe her, he looked as though he thought that she was pretending to know him, Elley gave him a short, sweet smile.
“Look Scott, I know that you don’t remember me, but I am your girlfriend, I am the one you love. Cassie has gone Scott, she isn’t around anymore, she left you a long time ago”.
Scott shook his head “That’s not true” he replied “Cassie is my girlfriend, she was with me before I ended up here”.
Elley couldn’t believe this. Scott really didnt know who she was, he thought that Cassie was his girlfriend.
Slowly she got up and left the room, she felt dazed, Elley couldn’t believe that all this was happening now. Why had she just let this happen? Why did it have to be this way? If only Elley didnt have these powers. Maybe Scott would be all right if she wasnt in his life. Elley looked at the other lads in disbelief.

“Well, how is he then?” Abs asked a soon as he saw Elley come out of the door. Elley shook her head and looked down at the floor.
“He...............he doesn’t know who I am” She said “He wants Cassie, he thinks that she is his girlfriend”
Abs went over to Elley and tried to comfort her “ Wow. He really doesn’t remember?” he asked “ Does he remember who we are”. There was a bemused silence around the room.
“Y.. Yeah he knows who you all are, it. It’s me that he doesn’t remember”.
This was going to be a really bad day.Elley tried not to seem upset, but it overcame her and with that she fell onto a nearby chair and sobbed sadly into her hands.

J was in the lobby waiting for a pay phone to become free. He felt bad for Elley and he had come to see if he could get hold of Cassie and get her to come to the hospital and talk to Scott, maybe she could help jog his memory. J knew that it was a risky idea, but he had to do something to help Elley and Scott, he just had to think of a way to do it.

Abs wandered out to the car park. He sat down on a nearby bench and just seemed to go silent as if he was pondering something close to his heart. Abs hadn’t meant to fall in love with her, that’s why he had blamed himself for Scotts accident, all Abs could do was follow his heart and see where it lead him. Someone was going to get hurt, but someone already was. Abs thought about Elley back in the hospital crying over Scott. Jealousy had never been one of Abs biggest problems but right now he couldn’t see whether he was in love with her or whether he was just after her because he just could not have her. Abs didnt know what the answer was, Abs didnt know what to do. A car pulled up near to where Abs was sitting, and it startled him a bit. “ That’s it” he thought suddenly “I have to find out how I feel”.

Scott sat in his hospital bed thinking about everything that was going on. He didn’t remember anything of his accident, he didnt know who Elley even was. How could he pretend that he knew her. He wanted Cassie and that’s all there was to it.
He wondered what was going on, he didn’t even recall anything that had happened to him. Sure he remembered all about 5ive and the band and all that stuff, how could he forget that?.It was Elley that he didnt know, although he had felt something when he first saw her, he was sure that it was just something that was telling him that she wasnt the one he loved.
Scott rubbed his head, he was so confused by everything, that girl had seemed so convincing ans she had looked hurt and upset when he didnt recall who she was, if it was true though, if she was the one that he loved, how could he forget her so easily?. Scott had never forgotten anything in his life, he could never forget such a beautiful face.
Hell yeah, she sure was pretty, Scott kept thinking that her eyes looked so hurt, but he couldn’t remember her, he wasnt pretending, it was true, he didnt know who she was.Maybe he never would remember her, maybe he had forgotten other stuff too. This was why he thought about Cassie of course.

Sean wandered over to his car and looked inside, he was sure he had left his mobile there and he really needed to get hold of someone very important.He wasnt going to tell the others either, this was his private business. This was something very important to Sean and he wasnt gonna give the game away until he knew what he was going to do.

“Hi sweetheart how are you?” Ritchie said down the phone to his girlfriend Maria as he informed her of Scotts condition. “Are we still on for tonight?”
Maria nodded at the other end of the phone line “Sure baby, I’ll see you at nine pm.Don’t be late warning you Ritchie”.
Ritchie laughed “Sure I promise I will be there” he replied, “See you later”.
That was how the day ended, everyone was distressed about the goings on.Elley was really upset, if only there was something she could do, something she could do to get he boyfriend back for good.
Elley went home and looked through her spell book at home.She really didnt like to use these methods but she had to do something.She wasn’t going to let one uncontrollable spell get the better of her, slowly she turned the page.
“ I’ve got it”,she said,“There’s a way that I can save my Scott.”

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