“Mom...........I have a problem” Abs said as he wandered about the kitchen at his moms’ house. Abs was contemplating telling her everything that he was feeling and everything that he felt like doing.
“Well what’s wrong?” Mrs Breen asked as she made them both a cup of tea. “Let me guess, you are in love with a beautiful girl but there’s no way you can have her?”.
Abs looked at his mom. She knew him so well, though what she had said was only half the story. How could Abs tell his own mother that he wanted to steal his best friends’ girlfriend and he had felt that way ever since the night that Scott had been in the accident? Although this had only come to light these past few days, Abs was sure that he knew that his heart was leading him the right way.
“Richard listen to me” his mother replied as she called him by his real first name, he hadn’t heard that in ages it felt odd to be called Richard but this was his mother, she would always call him that. Abs nodded his head “I know, you think that I should think long and hard about what I want to do, you think I should let my heart lead my way”.
Mrs Breen turned to him and looked sympathetically at her little boy, how had he gotten into such a mess in such a small amount of time?
“I think you should tell Elley how you feel”.

Elley sat on the bed staring at a photograph. Two months ago everything had been perfect, two months ago Scott had been hers, two months ago she would have never even seen this mess coming. The phone rang. She hesitated before she picked it up.
“Hello....” she began “yes it is........hmm, yes.....I probably could, .....hes all right isn’t he? ...............yes I could do there a hurry on that.........that’s fine then..........ok.........all right............I will........ok.............goodbye”.
Elley threw her head back onto the pillow. Scott had been asking if he could see her and a doctor had just called her to ask if she could bring some clean clothes and come to the hospital to see him. Elley really didnt feel like seeing Scott at the moment but if he had been asking to see her there was no way she was going to ignore him. Maybe he had remembered, maybe there was no way she would have to cast that spell she had found last night. Scott flicked through a magazine and tried to concentrate, he didnt understand what was going on anymore, he didnt even understand why he was lying in some hospital bed and no one would tell him what was going on. He hadn’t seen his parents yet, maybe his mom and dad were too busy to come and see him, perhaps they didnt know he was in here.
“Dammit, she seemed so sure” he mumbled as his mind flicked back onto the subject of Elley “I wonder if she was telling me the truth?”. That was something Scott needed to be sure of what she was telling him. Scott had seen how serious her face had been but he couldn’t remember anything for the life of him, how was he supposed to just believe what she had been telling him.

Ritchie walked into the room and watched his friend. “Hey Scott how you feeling” He asked Scott looked at him for a second and then answered.
“Yeah im fine thanx, just a little sore but other than that im not complaining” he replied.
“That’s all right then” Ritchie replied “we’ve all been so worried about you I mean we didnt know whether you were going to be ok or not and Elley was beside herself I don’t think she knew what to do”.
Scott looked at Ritchie and tried to look as though he wasnt surprised. “Elley was worried about me?” he asked as he sat al the way up in his bed.
“Yeah of course she was, she was more worried than anyone, although she did act rather weird all the time, but then again everyone deals with things in their own way” Ritchie replied “ so....has she been to see you yet?”
Scott shook his head “ she hasn’t” he replied. “ I think she is gonna come and see me later”. Scott watched his friend, Maybe he did have something to do with Elley, maybe she had been telling the truth, but if she was telling him the truth, why did he feel so strange when she was talking to him? . Why did scott feel as though she wasnt telling him something? Maybe, just maybe there was something else going on.
“Elley sure is pretty though” Ritchie said suddenly as if he was trying to break the awkward silence “you’re a really lucky guy Scott, do you know that?”.
Scott smiled to himself, he had noticed how pretty she was when she had come to see him. Somehow though, he didnt believe that she could be in love with him, maybe he just felt as though he didnt have a chance with a beauty like her, but perhaps it was just his condition.
“Y....Yeah” Scott said as he looked at the bottom of the bed “ I’m a very lucky guy”. There was a long pause, something had to be said and Scott needed to break the silence.
“Do you think that I will ever remember who she is?” Scott asked suddenly “I mean know that she is my girlfriend, or at least you all say she is and I know that I cant exactly remember everything can I so do you think that we will ever get back to how we were before, you know, before I forgot everything”.
Ritchie looked at his friend and tried to be supportive, this wasnt Scotts’ fault that he couldn’t remember, he had been in a horrible accent and anyone could be in the same predicament but there was only one person who was hurting through all of this. That person was Elley.
“I know that didnt make much sense” Scott replied “but i wantto know whether i will ever remember my life again”.
Ritchie shook his head “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see” he replied.

Sean and J had been up all night now. Sean was falling asleep, though, that wasnt exactly unusual for sean, J was standing in the lounge with the telephone. J had been trying to get hold of Cassie for 17 hours now and he had not even started to track her down yet. Of course J knew that it was a long shot but maybe if he got her to come and see Scott, perhaps he could finally get Scott and Elley back together and maybe he could finally understand why his friend had been acting so funny.
Little did J know that the only one who could help them was the one who was hurting much more than they had ever hurt before. The only one who could help them all now was the girl who had caused all of this in the first place and that girl was none other but...............Elley.

Scott lay down in the hospital bed and looked at the ceiling, he was going to get his memory back, but he just did not know where to begin. The sun was setting now just like it had the night of the accident. The street lights were coming on as well. Somehow Scott felt a little better, he felt as though his life was comming back together already.
Maybe he would remember her afterall.

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