It was a sunny morning. Elley headed to the hospital with a bag for Scott. She was just a little nervous about seeing Scott again but at the end of the day she couldn’t just avoid him forever. Scott was the one she loved but she had to let him remember by himself, but if she couldn’t manage to get him back that way, she knew a way that could help her.
She pushed open the door and went into his room. Scott was sitting up reading a basketball magazine and looked as though he was feeling a lot better. Elley placed the bag on the floor and addressed him.
“Hi Scott how are you?” she began “you’re looking a lot better”. Scott nodded his head “Yeah im feeling great” he said “I’m glad that you came to see me”.
Elley smiled “ well, I’m glad that you are happy to see me” she replied “ I didnt think that you would want me around anymore”.
Scott shook his head “ no, I mean I know that I have a lot of things to sort out before everything can start to get back to normal but I need to know that the people I care about are here for me, do you understand what I’m talking about?”.
Elley nodded “Yeah, I think so” she replied “ I guess I should do I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions”.
Scott shook his head “nah, that’s all right” he replied “ I guess we both just have things to sort out”.
That was true, Elley had to try and stop her life from crashing around her, she had to sort out this spell before it got even more out of hand, she was sure that it was this spell that had caused all this mess and she had to find a way to stop it before it made everything ten times worse. Elley guesses that it wasnt going to be easy but maybe if she could stop the spell everything would get back to normal and maybe she could be with Scott once again.
“Are you listening?” Scott asked as he looked at her. She hadn’t been listening to anything that he had just said and she knew that it wasnt very nice of her to ignore him right now.
Abs walked in suddenly and surprised them both.
“Hey Elley” He said as he totally ignored Scott “How are you today then?”.
Elley smiled “Oh I’m fine thank-you, how are you?”.
Suddenly Elley remembered that Scott was watching them both, his eyes were watching her and his face was cold and hard as if he was jealous or as though he was wondering what was going on.
“Yo, man how are ya?” he said as he turned his attention to Scott. “Im so glad that you are all right man”. Abs was trying to be polite but his jealousy was getting the better of him. Abs hadn’t meant to fall in love with Elley but it had just happened, it was the night of the accident when he had tried to comfort her because of Scotts’ accident but he hadn’t known that he felt this way inside, he hadn’t known that he was in love with her in the back of his mind.
Scott grinned, “Yeah im fine” he said “My heads still a little sore but I guess im fine now”.
Elley felt awkward. She didnt know that Abs was in love with her, what she did know though was that she was in love with Scott and nothing would change that, the only problem was the way he felt.
Sure she could wait for him to remember, it seemed like the best way to get what she wanted but there was another way that she knew of, a quicker way and a better way, the only problem was that, it would cause more trouble, this time who knew what would happen, that’s why she hadn’t already cast it, there was already one-spell on the loose and she couldn’t risk another spell going off the rails even if the first one had been cast accidentally.
Stopping the first spell was her only chance to help things along now, but to do that she had to wait for the next half moon, and that was three nights away. It could be too late by then though, something else could go wrong by then.

“Sean wake up!” J shouted as he shook his friend by the shoulder. They hadn’t been to see Scott yet but they had something more important to take care of, and, that was to find cassie. J didnt really have a plan, he just wanted to make Scott see that he was better off with Elley, maybe it was a long shot but J had to do something, if he sat around doing nothing he would probably go nuts.
“I....I’m awake” Sean replied “ so have you had any luck?”.
J shook his head “ nope, it’s just like she’s disappeared off the face of the planet or something” he replied “ I dunno where she is, but wherever that maybe she sure has hidden herself well”.
Sean grinned “Hey, have you tried her mom and dad? , They might know where she is”.
“You know. I didnt think of that”. J replied “Sometimes Sean, you come in useful after all”.

So, what’s been going on whilst I’ve been in here then?” Scott asked Abs “ I bet that I’ve missed a lot of stuff, how is Billie? , I meant to ask Rich yesterday but I kinda forgot”.
“Er.....I dunno” Abs replied “They broke up a few days ago, the night of your accident actually”.
Elley nodded “yeah and now hes going out with another girl, Maria”.
Scott pulled a funny face “well. It was nice of him to tell me himself wasnt it?” he joked “ Actually I’m glad that he’s doing ok, I guess he deserves to be happy right now”.
Elley sat down in a nearby chair “ You know, I dunno what’s wrong with J lately but he's been acting really weird, he said he had some business to attend to and I don’t think he’s been to see you yet, Scott”.
Scott nodded “No, I haven’t seen him for a while, I wonder what he’s up to?”.
Abs shook his head “dunno, but it’s probably got something to do with women, you know J hes always chasing the girls”.
Elley relaxed, there was an element of normality, Scott was having a conversation with her and she was feeling as though maybe nothing was wrong at all, though she knew that this wouldnt last, something was going to go wrong, the only thing she wondered about most was whether or not she would be able to stop the spell.

Ritchie headed over to Marias place, they had planned this as well as they could, it hadnt been easy though, Scotts’ accident had delayed their plans and now they had to be careful because the rest of the band knew about their relationship.
Maria was looking out of the window when he arrived, she was withdrawn and tired and looked as though she hadnt slept for nights on end.
Ritchie knew that this was a stupid idea but he was in love, he was going to do it anyway, sure the others wouldnt be impressed but Scott was in a mess of his own, Abs was always in his little dream world. J never bothered with him anymore and he sure as hell didnt really know what Sean was up to, he was becomming the outsider of the band, although it wasnt obvious, it was time that he did what he wanted to do for a change. It was time for Richard Neville to take control of his own life. And thats just what he was going to do.

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