“Are you ready yet?” Ritchie called to Maria. He was desperate now, he needed her to hurry up, he couldn’t wait any longer. If he was going to do this, he was going to do this now and there was nothing to stop him.
“Yeah come on, lets get going” she called as she rushed down the stairs and went out the door to his car. Ritchie followed her closing the front door behind him as he did so. Slowly the silver Porsche pulled away from the house and they sped away.
Ok, so running away together wasnt exactly the best idea he had ever come up with but he wanted to show everyone that he wasnt just a guy who sang in a pop band, he was a person too and he had feelings just like everyone else, he had dreams and aspirations too and although the others were lucky enough to be able to get whatever they wanted, Ritchie had to work hard and he was sick to the back teeth of this now.
“You ok babes?” Maria asked as she sensed how quiet Ritchie was “you don’t seem to be happy”.
Ritchie nodded his head “yeah, I’m great” he replied “ just thinking about how happy I am right now”.

“Damn I couldn’t tell her” Abs said as he kicked a can on his way back to his car “ I should have known that she loved Scott too much to ever want to be with me”.
Abs felt his heart ache, He hadn’t known it would hurt this much to love someone and not have them love you back. “Man..............Love Stinks” he said “why does it have to hurt so much?”.

“Love stinks” Sean said as he though about the chance he missed. If only he hadn’t promised to help J track down Cassie, he might have been with the girl of his dreams right now. Nina had been patient enough to wait this long for him and if she had to wait any longer she would probably go elsewhere.
“Did you say something Sean?”. J asked as he entered the kitchen.
“No, I just said that it stinks in here” he replied half heartedly, he wasnt going to tell J what was going on in his heart and in his brain, J would only mock him, just like everyone did. But, Sean had feelings too and he had to make her his. To Sean it seemed like all the lads were having love problems, Sean and Nina, Scott and Elley, Abs and all the girls he had recently dated, J and his psycho ex Lucy and Ritchie and Billie and now Maria too.
Maybe these guys were destined to have bad relationships, but maybe it was just that fate was at hand in these matters, you could say that 5ive was a loveless band but that would only be half the story wouldn’t it?

Back at Kay’s House everything was grim. Abs was lying on his mom’s settee watching the TV and he was totally ignoring his mother. Kay had tried hard with her son and she knew that he was finding it difficult to follow his heart, he was in a tricky position and he had to let things cool down before he went any further. Maybe she had been wrong to tell him to go and let Elley know how he felt.
“Abs you can’t just sit around moping all day” she began, she had to say something, it wasnt nice for her to see her only son depressed.
“Why not? , What else is there for me to do?” he enquired, he sat up and looked towards her.
“Well, why don’t you go and see your cousin Izzy?” she suggested, she had just remembered that he had really wanted to see Abs.
“Erm....yeah I guess I could do that” Abs replied “ok then, I’ll probably see you later”.
And with that, he left. Kay watched him go sadly, “What a total mess” she whispered.

Elley was finding all this difficult to cope with, at first it had all felt like a really bad dream but now it was so real that it was scary in fact, so scary that it made you want to stop playing as if this was some childish game that they were all a part of. Sometimes at night she would lie awake and imagine that nothing had happened, she would pretend that Scott was at home lying in bed next to her, fast asleep and dreaming. The only thing was though, if she kept on dreaming this, thinking this, would it soon turn into reality?
“Siobhan please listen to me” Elley said. She was on the phone to her best friend and she was obviously distressed about something.
“I know but................yeah, ...........all right I s’pose........well he did say that didnt he? ......................what does Scott have to do with it? ...............but, he never did anything............You know what condition hes been in these past few days, it’s impossible..........yeah all right............I guess..........hmmmmm ok then..........ok I promise......... yeah I will, look after yourself ok? ............. see you later, Bye”.
What had Siobhan been on about? . She had just accused Scott of being in a night club chatting up girls and having a good time when only yesterday, Elley had seen him in the hospital. It was getting weird enough without Elley’s best friend seeing things and imagining Scott doing things that he shouldn’t be doing.
Maybe Siobhan was jealous, Siobhan had never been popular with the guys and although she had been happy for Elley when she and Scott had gotten together, Elley had always sensed that maybe, behind her friendly ways, there was something else going on, something that Elley might never get to the bottom of. Elley picked up the phone receiver and dialled J’s mobile number. Wouldn’t one of the guys have called her and told her that Scott was with them? . Maybe he wasnt with them. Elley had to be sure.
“Hi J? ...........yeah it’s me Elley...........Er, well, I was just wondering if Scott was there with you guys at all? ........he isn’t? ........oh all right, no nothings wrong.........just something I heard......hmmmmm.........all right I will............I’ll talk to you later ok? .............bye”.
Well he wasnt at J’s place and that meant he was either at his moms or, he was somewhere else. Elley put down the phone receiver. How could Scott be anywhere else? What was she doing calling everyone when all she had to go on was something that her best friend had told her, and even she was without certainty. Elley sat down on the floor, She would go and see Scott later at the hospital that’s all there was to it. Suddenly there was a knock on Elley’s front door. Elley got up and tried to look out the window to see who it was. There was no car so she couldn’t tell if it was Ritchie or Abs. Slowly she trudged towards the front door. It was odd for her to have callers during the day.
She pulled the door open and looked at the person standing on the doorstep.
“What the hell are you doing here?” she enquired.

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