“Hey, that’s no way to greet the love of your life” Scott said as he barged past her and went into the house “ I thought you would be glad to see me, I haven’t seen you in a while”. Elley followed him into the living room “What do you mean” she asked “ I just saw you yesterday at the hospital”.
Scott Looked at her with a dazed expression “oh yeah, that place” he replied “but im sure that I didnt see you there yesterday, I came outta that place the night I went in”.
Elley watched him “ You couldn’t have done” she replied “ you were in a coma for days”.
Scott grinned “You know, I’ve missed listening to your stories”. He sat down on the settee and looked at her.
“Scott, what are you talking about?” she asked, she didnt know what was going on, of course she had seen him at the hospital yesterday. “ Nothing” he replied “man, you sure are edgy, I thought you might at least be a little glad to see me”.
Elley nodded “ Of course I’m glad to see you” she said “ where have you been anyway?”.
Scott got up and started messing with the stuff on a nearby shelf. “At my parents’ house”.
This was making no sense to Elley at all, yesterday she had gone to the hospital to see Scott and he was there and today Scott had turned up on her doorstep and he had no idea of anything that had gone on these past few days.
“Man, I’d better go and see all the lads” he said “ I bet they will be surprised to see me”. Elley nodded and watched him prance out of the door “ yeah I’m sure they will be” she muttered.
Elley didnt know what to do now. This was getting way too confusing, even for her and she had to do something to sort all of this mess out without anyone getting more hurt or upset than they already were.
Perhaps Scott was in denial, maybe he had discharged himself from the hospital, he could do that easily, it wouldn’t be hard for him, but why would he pretend he hadn’t even been there?. This didnt make any sense and she was sure that if there was something going on, it would finally be revealed soon.
Scott stood on Elleys drive and grinned “ Ha, that was too easy” he smirked “ She has no idea that I am only half of him”.
He started to walk down the drive way “ I am the part that he wouldn’t let come out and play, but now that he has finally let go, I’m here to stay and there is nothing that anyone can do”.
Scott had always been two people. On one side he was cute, sweet, innocent and cheeky Scott and the other was his bad side, the side that everyone has, but now, the two sides had departed from each other, there were two Scott Robinson’s On the loose.
Elley was too busy wondering how Scott had been so weird with her to notice this and she should have been the first one to notice but she hadn’t. The other Scott was sitting in his hospital bed, staring out of the window. He was thinking about Elley. Maybe he did know who she was, but as she said, it felt like a part of him was missing, a part so important to him that it was like another person. That was, of course, The bad Scott. No one knew that he wasnt the real Scott and why would they?. He looked just like Scott and had the same personality, the only difference was that this Scott was bad.
You see, the good side of Scott was too gullible to see that the bad side was missing. Scotts good side had always been the dominant side and he wouldn’t notice if the bad side was missing if he was never bad would he?. I guess you say that both sides were out to play, but one side was out for more than that, maybe this was all that the true self spell was all about.
Ritchie was heading to Heathrow Airport. He hadn’t meant to leave the other lads hanging like this but he was fed up of putting his life on hold for them and it was time that he did what he wanted for a change. He was going to Cape Town and he was going to stay there until he felt as though he could come back. Sure, he didnt want to leave the guys, he would have loved to tell them how happy he was and how free he felt after the Billie experience but he just couldn’t do it so he had to do it this way. It was this way or nothing as far as he was concerned.
Elley drove to the hospital. She had to find out why he had discharged himself without letting her know. She knew why his parents might not have told her and that was because they had Scotts interests at heart and they would always stick by him no matter what, but this was just too much, he couldn’t go around doing these things, what if she had of turned up at the hospital last night to find that he had gone and no one had of told her?. She got out of her car and rushed to the receptionist’s desk. “Hello, I was just wondering if you could tell me if you had someone discharge themselves out of here last night?” She began.
“That depends, you have to immediate family or a relative of the person before we will give out that information” the receptionist replied.
Elley closed her eyes, she was going to lie through her teeth now but she couldn’t help it, she had to know what was going on.
“Actually I’m engaged to him” Elley replied “Is that alright?”. The receptionist gave her a tired smile. “What was his name?” She asked. “Scott Robinson”
Elley replied. The receptionist looked down her list “No, sorry but no one checked out under that name last night or any time this week”.
Elley stood there and wondered for a moment. She didnt know the truth about what had actually happened to Scott but this was bad enough even if you didnt know what was going on.
“Thank you” Elley replied. That meant that Scott was probably still in his Hospital room. Elley hurried down the corridor and opened the door.
She went inside. Scott was sitting on the bed looking out of the window.
Elley said as she addressed him. “What is going on?” Scott turned to her and looked into her eyes “ That’s what I’d like to know as well” he replied. He turned and gave her a strange, cold glare.
“What the hell is going on?”.

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