Wembley Arena

It was the night of Five’s first concert of their new worldtour and all five of them were more than ready after months of preparations.The tension and nerves were slowly coming with each minute that passed and the lads wanted nothing more than to get up on stage and start their concert,facing the fans again after being inside for so long.
The day went on as normal,a few interviews and signing autographs for the waiting fans,but it was nothing special anymore.Soon it became darker outside and the arena started filling with people slowly,most of the concertgoers younger than 18 and in the company of their parents.The guys watched the fans from their hiding place behind the stage,making silly comments about some pretty rude banners.
Then it became time for the lads to meet some fans again,a ritual type of thing that always took place right before they were getting dressed and ready for the concert.The meet and greets took some of Five’s nerves away and all five of them always liked it to get into contact with some of their most loyal fans.The guys entered a large room near their dressingrooms were all of the fans were already waiting.Scott was the first one to get inside,soon followed by Rich and Abs.J and Sean were the last ones,as usual.J quickly scanned the room but sighed deeply when realizing that again there were the ‘normal’ fans : screaming,exited girls about 15 years old,accompanied by their just as nervous friends.J of course liked them,after all they were the ones that made Five big,but he always kept hoping to meet a girl of his own age.But unfortunately that never happened.After signing a few t-shirts and posters and get his picture taken a trillion times,all of a sudden a girl appeared at his side.J turned around but soon backed away again.The girl in front of him was pretty,very pretty actually,but there was something strange about her as well.Her eyes were an amazing kind of turquois and her long,black hair was tied into a difficult braid.She was dressed in a pair of normal black jeans and a short top but there was an amulet hanging around her neck,which was glowing strangely in the darkened room.
“Hi.”she said.
J,who realized he must have been acting pretty awkward,smiled at the girl and asked”What’s your name,love?”
She smiled a gentle smile and answered”Naenita.”
J was wondered about her name and realized he had never heard it before.It suited her,though,cuz her name was just as unusual as her appearance.Just as J thought she was going to ask him something she just pulled something from the pocket of her trousers and handed it to him.J looked at the small package in his hand and thanked the girl politely,thinking it was the ordinary teddybear or sweets he was getting as a gift.He unwrapped the gift and soon had a grey stone laying in his hand.
“What’s this about?”J questioned while raising an eyebrow.Naenita smiled at the silly expression on J’s face and replied”It’s something very special.It’s a wishing-stone.”
“A wishing-stone?”
J was thinking that the conversation he was having with the girl was getting stranger every minute and he asked himself why he was wasting his precious time on her.
“Listen J,this stone can make all your wished come true.There are only a few of these on this planet so they are very,very rare.”Naenita continued.”If there’s something you really want,just tell it to the stone and your wish will come true.”
J shook his head and all of a sudden stated”You really don’t believe this crap yourself,do you?”
Naenita’s features hardened and she hissed”Fine J,then don’t believe me.But do not wonder if it will work.”
And with those words she walked out of the room again without even asking him for an autograph or picture.J watched as she disappeared in the crowd and looked back at the stone in his hand.He never meant to hurt or disappoint the girl,he just didn’t believe in all those supernatural stories and he wasn’t the type of guy to pretent just to keep his fans happy.J just wanted to throw the stone into the bin when Abs made his way over to him and exclaimed”Listen mate,we gotta get ready for the show.”
J nodded and let the stone slip inside the pocket of his baggy jeans,ready to forget about it for the rest of the evening…

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