After that night’s concert,J again had some time to play around with the wishing-stone a little.He had been pondering all day long what to wish for and after some long thinking an idea had popped up into his mind.Last year Five’s recordcompany had given all of the lads a motorbike to reward them for their huge success all over the globe and being a daredevil J had loved the idea of really riding it one day.He had passed his theory-exams but still had to pass the road tests but he hadn’t found the time to do so just yet.And it was looking like it would take even a few more months before he had a couple of days off.
So that night after taking a shower and having a drink J decided on challenging the stone for a new wish,a little harder than the last one with the pints.
It was already dark outside and J had made sure that all of the lads had already gone to bed so they wouldn’t get the chance to interupt him right in the middle of his wishing.He sat down onto his bed with the stone in his left hand.J waited for a while,asking himself if he should really ask again for something.But in the end his nosey nature took the better of him and he said after closing his eyes”I wish for my motorbike license.”
At first J didn’t want to open his eyes but a little voice in the back of his mind told him to do it and so J did.The first second he was too blinded by the lights in his room but then he could clearly see a small piece of paper laying in front of him on the bedcover.He picked it up and turned it around and to his surprise it really was a license,already signed and ready to be used. A huge grin appeared onto J’s lips while he read every word on the paper and wondered why that girl had given him such a wonderful present at that meet and greet.Just when he wanted to get himself another drink to celebrate the fact that his wish had come true,there was a loud knock on the door.J pushed his license under his pillow,not wanting to let anybody know about his little secret,and walked over to the door.
When he opened it he found Abs in nothing more than his boxers standing right in front of him. “Abs,what are you doing here in the middle of the night?”J questioned obviously not very pleased with the sudden interuption.Only at that moment he noticed the worried look on Abs’ face and J asked”Abs,what’s wrong?”
“Erm…I think there’s something wrong with Sean.”the younger man replied while fiddling with one of his rings.
“What!?Why do you think that!?”J asked in surprise,never been counting on such a thing.
“Well,I heard this sound,you know,and when I got out of my room to look what it was I found Sean laying in the corridor.At first I thought he’s just drunk but when I came closer I noticed he was all sweaty and stuff so I brought him to his room.You’d better take a look at him cuz I haven’t got a clue what to do.”Abs replied without even breathing once.Without hestitation J closed the door behind him and walked over to Sean’s room in a hurry.He found Sean in bed,just like Abs had told him,but he was talking nonsense in his sleep,tossing and turning wildly.
“Sean!Sean,come on.You gotta wake up,mate.”J said while gently shaking his best friend,trying his hardest to wake him up.At first his actions didn’t seem to help a lot but after trying for several minutes,Sean finally opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling.
“Hey,what’s wrong mate?”were J’s first words but Sean just shook his head and touched his throat with both of his hands.
“Is your voice gone?”Abs,who had entered the room right behind J,questioned and Sean nodded in reply.
“Alright then,let’s get you a doctor.Abs,do you know where Suzanne is?”J asked when he finally noticed that Sean’s girlfriend wasn’t in sight.
“She’s out with the other girls but I think she’ll be back any minute now.Anyway,I think I’m gonna wake Rob up now.”
“Good idea.I’ll call a doctor in the meantime.”
Abs left in a rush while J picked up the phone and dailed a number,wondering what possibly could be wrong with his best friend…

“Well,what’s wrong with him?”Rich asked as soon as Rob entered Abs’ bedroom.All of the lads,and now also the girls,had gathered inside the rapper’s room,waiting to hear an explanation for Sean’s sudden illness.
Rob sighed deeply and sat down on a chair.
“The doctor doesn’t know exactly what it is but he thinks it might be some kind of throat infection.Sean’s been given antibiotics but he will miss some gigs.He just needs to rest and after that we will decide what to do.We might even need to cancel the rest of the tour if he won’t get better soon,but that’s for later.”
The room was silent for a little while until Suzanne stated”I’m going to him.”
“Fine,but don’t stay there for the night.We don’t wanna lose one of our dancer,too.Perhaps you’d better be sharing with Michelle or something until he’s recovered again”Rob replied and Suzanne nodded before she left the room without saying another word at all.
“Well,let’s just hope he’ll get better as soon as possible.”Scott exclaimed and the whole room nodded in agreement…

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