Although Sean was really ill the tour continued,much against the lads’ pleading.They all felt that it was wrong to continue with only four but they knew there was nothing they could do against the record company’s decision.After all,they were the rich and powerful ones and all they cared about was the money they would lose if the tour had to be cancelled.
J was extremely pissed over the whole issue and he had been ignoring Rob all day already.J felt that Rob wasn’t very surportive towards them and should have tried to change Chris’ thoughts,but for some reason it seemed like he was perfectly fine with the way things were going.
As the tourbus made its way to Cardiff,J suddenly remembered the wishing stone again and he pulled it out of his pocket.The stone still seemed a normal piece of rock,grey and wild,but J now knew for sure about it’s magical powers.He asked himself if he should perhaps use it to make Sean better but before he could make up his mind,Rich sat down next to him.
“Hey mate,what are you doing?”he asked and J shrugged his shoulders.
“Thinking.”was the absent-minded reply.
“Worrying you mean.”Rich stated and J nodded his head in reply.
“He’s gonna be fine,you know.”Rich exclaimed while lighting a cigarette,but J could clearly hear the doubt in his voice.All of them found it more than strange that Sean was so ill now while he almost never was.Of course even he had an occassional cold but that was it.
J just sat there worrying until the bus stopped in front of a traffic light and he stared out of the window.He wondered why the people on the streets seemed so happy while inside the bus the mood was depressed and quiet.Life was so unfair.
J watched as an elderly woman wanted to cross the street but all of a sudden jumped back again as a motorbike raced by with full speed.She dropped her loaded shoppingbags on the wet street,some items rolling all over the place.J was just asking himself if he should get out of the bus and help the lady when there came a girl running over to her.At first it seemed like she was asking the woman if she was doing alright but then she kneeled down and started to pick up the fallen groceries.J was watching the scene curiously,most of all following every of the girl’s moves with great interest.She was pretty with her long black hair and large eyes,although she wasn’t the most beautiful girl in the world.There was something special about her though and J was asking himself what it could be.Maybe it was the way she moved or her sympathy for the woman,J didn’t know,but he decided right there and then that she was one of the most gorgeous girls he had ever laid his eyes on.
At that second the bus started moving again and he sighed deeply,knowing that he would probably never see the girl again…

Five had just arrived at the hotel and once the lads had made sure that Sean was comfortable they all had disappeared off to their rooms.It was a thing they always did before driving to the arena,just spending some time away from eachother.Of course they needed that regular break,after all they were together 24/7 and sometimes they were just getting on eachother’s nerves.
J was bored.He had spent quite some time with Sean but after falling asleep J had decided to leave so his mate could get some rest.Just when J was dozing off a little out of boredom,there was a small clicking noise and within seconds the door to J’s bedroom opened.J jumped up in shock,not knowing how someone could actually enter the room since he had locked the door. “What for God’s sake..!”J yelled but before he actually had the chance to end his sentence he noticed he was looking right into the eyes of a maid.It only took him a few seconds to realize it was the girl he had been watching that afternoon from the tourbus,the girl that had been so nice to help that old lady with her groceries.
“Oh my,I’m so sorry!I thought this room was empty!”the girl started to excuse herself,obviously more than just a little shocked she had actually entered a room while there still was somebody in there.J couldn’t help but smile at her hyperactive rambling and her never-ending river of excuses. “No,it’s alright.I should have put that ‘do not disturb’ sign out before I went to bed.”J exclaimed but it seemed like the girl wasn’t paying any attention to his words.
“You won’t tell the manager about it then?”
J shook his head in reply.Finally she seemed to calm down a little and she mumbled under her breath”I can’t afford to lose this job.”
“What are you saying?”J asked but the girl looked up again with a smile onto her face and stated”Nothing.I…I’ll just go and leave you alone,alright?”
She just wanted to walk out of the door again when J questioned”What’s your name?”
He now was determined to find out as many as he could about her and was certain he wouldn’t get the chance that easily anymore if she left.
The maid turned around again and raised an eyebrow before she replied a little unsure”Cleo”.
“That’s a pretty name.”J commented with a nod and the girl looked down at her feet to hide the small blush that was forming onto her cheeks.
“Well,it’s actually Cleopatra.My mother is obsessed with Egypt and its culture so that’s probably the reason for my unusual name.”Cleo explained.
“It suits you,though.Anyway,I’m J.”the rapper explained while he shook the girl’s stretched out hand.She smiled gently and nodded.J just wanted to ask her how long she was working at the hotel when Abs entered the room and shouted”J,we gotta go!Soundcheck in 15 minutes!” Only at that second he realized J wasn’t alone and he raised one eyebrow.
“Didn’t know you had company.”
J shook his head but before he got any chance to explain the whole situation to his bandmate,Cleo stated almost apologizing”No,it’s alright.I’m going already.It was nice to meet you J.”
J was asking himself what he could say to make sure he was able to see her again but his mind had turned blank right from the moment she had stepped inside his room.On a miraculous way Abs suddenly questioned”Will we see you around again?”
Cleo turned towards him and smiled.
“I think you will,yes.Bye.”
Cleopatra walked away,closing the door behind her.J looked up at Abs in total surprise,wondering why his friend had asked Cleo that strange question.He wasn’t interested in her…or?Abs seemed to sense J’s pondering and he laughed.
“Don’t worry mate,I’m not hitting on her.She’s more your type anyway,plus it’s time for you to get a normal girl for once.”
“But…how did you know?”
Abs just grinned while he walked towards the door and stated over his shoulder”You probably thought nobody noticed you drooling all over the place,right?”
And with those words Abs got out,leaving a dumbfound J behind…

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