It was one day later and neither J nor the other lads had seen a glimpse of Cleo again.It seemed like she had disappeared from the bottom of the earth and J’s hopes to meet her again had faded almost completely.Maybe she hadn’t been interested in him after all and had his feelings totally fooled him.Or perhaps she had taken a day off.J just had no clue but what he did know was that he had to make a move very fast if he really wanted her,after all the lads were leaving again in a day.
Only then J remembered the wishing stone.He had forgotten about it after the whole Sean-issue and now also because of the butterflies he felt when thinking about Cleo.Exactly then he thought that maybe he could ask the stone for help.He would try to solve the thing with Cleopatra and after that,first thing in the morning,he would wish for a fast recovery for Sean.
J closed his hand around the stone and wished for Cleo,thinking about how good it would probably feel to hold her in his arms.After the small ritual it stayed silent for minutes and J began to think the stone had lost its power.
“Ah,you goddamn thing!”he yelled while he wildly threw the stone to the other end of the room,watching as it hit wall.She wouldn’t come,he just knew it.She was far too beautiful to fall for him and she possibly already had a boyfriend somewhere else.J was just making his way over to the minibar to drown his sorrow when there was a soft knock on the door.J looked up,a small sparkle of hope burning up again,and he opened up.There she was,dressed in some tight leather trousers and a light blue top.J mouth dropped open at the sight in front of him and Cleo smiled her shy grin again.
“Hey,I hope I don’t bother you.I was just wondering…uhm…if you’d like some company.”she explained and before she could even properly end her sentence,J opened the door wider and stated”Come on in.”
She walked inside while J stared at her swaying hips and elegant moves,trying desperately to get a grip on himself when she finally sat down and crossed her legs in a slightly provocant way. “Uhm…right,do you want a drink or anything?”J asked when he finally had found his voice again but Cleo shook her head and whispered”No,I want you.”
J had been with many girls in the past but never they had made such a statement on the first minute they had arrived.He didn’t mind about Cleopatra’s direct approach,though,cuz he was certainly in ‘the mood’.J walked over to Cleo and kissed her on the lips,not very surprised when she answered his affection without hestitation.Within minutes the two of them fell back onto the bed and made love for the rest of the evening until the both of them fell asleep in the warmth of eachother’s arms…

It was very early in the morning when some urgent knocking on the door woke J and Cleo up.J turned around and sighed deeply,obviously not very pleased with the interruption at all.
“J,why don’t you just stay in bed?”Cleo suddenly asked but J shook his head and explained”I can’t.It might be important.”
J put a pair of boxers on and walked over to the door.He found Rich behind it and immediately sensed that there was something wrong with Sean.
“Is Sean alright?”J questioned and just like he had expected Rich shook his head.
“They are bringing him to hospital.”
Rich shrugged his shoulders.”He’s just doing worse every minute.Rob thought it would be better to call an ambulance and bring him over to a hospital so they can take a look at him and find out what exactly is going on with him.”
J nodded,understanding that Rob’s decision probably was the right one as none of them had any idea what possibly was causing Sean’s illness.
“Let me get dressed and I’ll come with ya’ll,alright?”J responded and Rich nodded his head.
“I’ll wait for you then but please hurry up.”
“I will.”
As soon as Rich had left J went over to the bed again and told Cleopatra”I’m very sorry but I really gotta go.”
She nodded in understanding and stated”I know.Your friend needs you now so you’d better be going with him.”She also got up and put her clothes back on while J did the same thing.When they finally were ready J walked over to Cleo and gently kissed her on the lips.
“Will I see you again?”he asked after he had pulled back again and Cleo smiled.
“Of course.Here,wait.”
She got a piece of paper and pen from one of the pockets of her trousers and scribbled her telephone number on it.J put it away and promised”I will call you later today,alright?”
“Great.”she whispered in reply.The two of them shared one final kiss before Cleo made her way out of the room and J walked over to his waiting mates in a rush…

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