After waiting for more than two hours at the cold,unpersonal corridors of Cardiff’s hospital a doctor was able to tell the lads that even after several tests they had no clue what was causing Sean’s mysterious illness.It was looking like some sort of pneumonia but then again,why kept he getting unconscious and where was that high fever coming from?One thing was for sure : they wouldn’t let Sean leave again until they had found out what exactely was wrong with him.
J was the first one to visit Sean.He had been able to convince the other lads that he needed to go alone but little did they know about the real reason.Of course J was worried but he still had the wishing stone.He was pretty certain the stone would be able to cure Sean fast after all the other miracles that had happened lately.
When J arrived at Sean’s bed the younger singer was lost in a deep sleep again,cold sweat on his forehead.J looked at his mate for a few seconds before he pulled the stone from his pocket and rubbed the surface with his thumb.He waited for a minute but then asked with all the hope he could muster up”Just make Sean better.”
J had expected nothing magical,but he had counted with a very good posibility to see Sean open up his eyes or something like that,but to his shock nothing happened.J tried the same wish again but still Sean wasn’t making any improvement.
“Damn.”J muttered under his breath when he finally realized that it wasn’t going to work.The stone had failed and wasn’t able to make Sean better.
J just stared at his friend for a few seconds,the rough feeling of not being able to do anything taking control over him.Finally J just left,not knowing what else he could possibly do to help Sean.
“And?”Rich asked when J walked out of the door.The rapper looked up,startled by the sudden words,and shrugged his shoulders.
“Nothing.He’s asleep.”he exclaimed,the desperation obvious in his voice.
“The doctors are trying everything they can,you know.”Rich replied sensing J’s worrying.
“I know.I just wish there’s something I could do.”
“Just hope.That’s all we can do.”
“Unfortunately I think you’re right.”
J stared down at his feet before he stated”I’m going out for a walk.”
Rich nodded in understanding.
“Fine mate.See you later.”
J grabbed his jacket from one of the chairs and then headed outside towards the noisy streets of the city.He had been walking for ages,when he finally realized it was time for him to go back to the hospital again.Sean could have woken up and J certainly wanted to stay informed about his best mate’s condition,even if the news wasn’t very hopefull.He just wanted to cross a busy street when all of a sudden a voice right behind him stated”You goddamn fool.”
J turned around a to his major surprise he found a familiar face looking up at him.He thought for a few seconds but then he remembered where he had seen that face for the last time and reality hit him like a baseballbat.It was that strange girl that had given him the wishing stone!
“You fool!”she repeated again and J raised an eyebrow.
“Naenita?What do you want from me again?”
She shook her head in disapproval before she replied with”I gave you the stone to make your life easier in times of trouble,not to wish for every little gift you want to recieve!You are rich,you don’t need a license for your motorbike or any other materialistic stuff!But you certainly made the biggest mistake when you wished for love!”
J shook his head wildly,not understanding a word from what she was saying.She noticed the look onto his face and exclaimed in a very scornful manner”Don’t you read fairytales,Jason?It always goes wrong when the maincharacters are too selfish!I thought you knew that.Unfortunately the punishment didn’t harm you,but your beloved best friend.He had to pay for your selfish behaviour because your bond is so strong.”
Those words did totally surprise J and he began to get agitated with the Naenita’s attitude. “How can you even think that I want to hurt my mate!?”J yelled and she answered with a shrug”It’s the truth.”
“Listen,I want you out of my way and out of my life!You are just trying to blame me for the whole thing,although it’s not my fault!”
The girl sniffed in disaprovement and hissed”Fine,then let him die.”
She turned around and wanted to disappear into the crowd of shopping people again when J suddenly grabbed her arm.
J hardened his grip around her arm and demanded”What do you know about Sean’s illness!?”
Naenita smiled and whispered almost innocently”Do you believe me now?”
J nodded silently.The girl laughed almost devilish and softly began with”You can make him better,you know Jason?It’s a very easy task,it are only a couple of words you need to say.”
“What?”J questioned but she shook her head.
“Patience my dear.”
“I can’t be patient when my best mate is dying!”
“He won’t die if you listen carefully.The doctors won’t be able to find out what is going on with him and they won’t find a cure either.It’s a curse,a curse which you put on him.You are the only one that can make him better again cuz you got him here in the first place.Now listen carefully.You need to go back to the hospital and go to your mate’s room.Get the stone and repeat these words ‘I want all my wishes to change into distant memories’.Everything you’ve wished for will disappear in within minutes your friend will recover from the curse again.”
J let her words sink in but then asked”Will I lose contact with the girl I just met,too?”
She nodded and exclaimed”Yes.You would have never got together with her without the stone in the first place.”
“And that’s all I can do to make Sean better?”
“Yes,that’s all there is.You can choose now between your own wishes and his life.Which one will it be,Jason?”
J shook his head and whispered”I don’t need to think about that.He’s innocent.I put him into this horrible position so I should be the one to get him out of it,too.”
Naenita grinned and stated”Finally you are making the right decision.Now,go to him before you’re too late.And don’t forget this,once your friend is better again make sure to get rid of that stone,preferably to a place where nobody will be able to find it.”
“I will.”
One final time Naenita looked deeply in J’s blue eyes,then she turned away from him and disappeared into the crowd again.J watched her until she was out of sight,then made his way back to the hospital in a hurry…

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