It took J now longer than three minutes to finally make it back to the hospital.The lads looked at him in surprise when he rushed past them and hurried towards Sean’s room.
“J,wait a minute man!The doctor is with him!”Abs yelled and J stopped,disappointed that he couldn’t go to his mate right away.
“What’s wrong then?”he questioned and Rich just shook his head”No changes yet,unfortunately.The doctor just thought it was a good idea to take some blood from him and do a few more tests,that’s all.”
J sighed deeply and sat down at a chair.
“Where have you been anyway?”Scott asked and J shrugged his shoulders”Just taking a walk.I needed some fresh air.”
Scott nodded in understanding and decided not to ask any more questions.He knew J wouldn’t answer them anyway.Finally the doctor came out of Sean’s room and Rich asked”How is he doing?”
The doctor shrugged and stated”Well,to be totally honest with you I don’t know.It’s still very much a mystery to everyone.His condition does start to worry me though,but we are trying everything we can.I’m sorry I don’t have any more news at the moment.”
The guys nodded sadly and continued to stare at the wall.
“Lads,do you mind if I go to him one more time?”J silently asked and three pairs of eyes looked up at him,followed by some shaking with their heads.
“Fine then,I’ll be back soon.”
J just entered his mate’s room again,knowing that if he wanted to save him he should be fast.Just like the doctor had explained before Sean was still unconsious and he obviously had not moved for the past few hours.
“Hey mate,here I am again.But this time I’m gonna make you better,alright?”J softly told Sean while he sat at one side of the bed.Grabbing the stone from the safety of his pocket he searched his mind for the right words he had to speak.
“Alright then,here we go.I know I never pray but please God,if you are listening would you be so nice to help me out a bit this time?”J whispered under his breath.He held the stone tightly before he spoke the words with all the hope he could muster up.
“I want all my wishes to change into distant memories.”
J looked down at Sean,trying to find at least one little sign that it had worked but even after waiting for several minutes the room kept quiet.J could literally feel all hope flowing out of his body as the truth slowly started to sink in.Naenita hadn’t told him the truth and Sean wasn’t going to be fine ever again.
“You are leaving me,right?”J whispered.The words cut through his soul like a knife.What was he gonna do now?How could he ever life with the knowledge that he killed his best friend? “I’m not angry you know.”J softly continued”I just wish…you could have stayed here a bit longer.”
J was defeated,having sacrificed his mate’s life for his own pleasure.”And he’s still so young.”J pondered.At last J had no clue what else to do and all he wanted was to drown his sorrow with some heavy liquer.He stood up quietly and took one last look at Sean before grabbing the curtains and pulling them around the bed.Suddenly a voice interrupted his actions and J stopped dead in his tracks.
“J,is that you?”
J turned around and to his major surprise found Sean with his eyes opened wide,looking at him questioning.
“Sean?”he asked in disbelieve and the younger man smiled.J walked over to the bed again and pulled Sean in a hug.
“Never thought you would be that happy to see me again.”Sean commented and J laughed. “I missed you.We all did.”
Sean nodded and J questioned”How are you feeling now,mate?”
Sean shrugged his shoulders and exclaimed”Fine,I guess.What’s happened anyway?”
J looked away slightly and muttered”Nobody knows.You fell ill and got some really high fever so they brought you here.The doctors had and still have no clue what exactly was wrong with you but you kept getting unconsious and to be honest it was pretty scary.”
“I heard you talking.”Sean all of a sudden exclaimed and J looked up in shock.Was it possible that Sean had heard everything he had told the stone?
Sean laughed and stated”Don’t have to be ashamed because you were thinking I was dying.We all would have gotten emotional at that point.”
J sighed deeply,a huge weight off his shoulders knowing Sean had no clue about the wishing stone.
“Well,let me get the other lads,alright?They are worried sick about you,too.”J exclaimed and Sean nodded before J left the room to get his mates inside…

Three days later Sean could go home again,much to the lads and his own happiness.Of course the doctors thought it was a miracle that Sean had recovered so fast from a mysterious illness but J now knew better.J had gotten rid of the stone right after Sean’s release from the hospital,having thrown it into some bin at the side of the street.It would probably end up on some big pile of rubbish where nobody was ever able to find it again,at least that was what J was hoping for.He had made a huge mistake with the stone and certainly didn’t want the same thing to happen to anyone else.
The guys were just packing their stuff,ready to go home again after their latest adventure,when someone knocked on J’s door.J sighed,wanting to finish packing his bags as soon as possible so he could go downstairs to get a drink at the bar with the rest of the lads,but decided on opening up anyway.There he found one major surprise in front of him,consisting of Cleo standing before him with a smile onto her face.
“Cleo?”J questioned in shock.After his last meeting with Naenita he hadn’t counted on seeing Cleopatra ever again but he had to admit she really was standing right in front of him.
“Yeah,that’s me.Why are you so surprised to see me?”she asked while she walked inside J’s room and sat down on his bed.J racked his mind to come up with a good excuse but then finally stated”I never called you back.”
“That doesn’t mind.I knew you were worried about your friend and didn’t want to bother you either.But since he’s fully recovered again I thought a little visit wouldn’t harm,now what do you think?”she explained and J grinned.
“I think it’s a marvelous idea.”
He sat down next to her,still wondering why she had come.Suddenly a little voice at the back of his mind answered that question,a voice that belonged to Naenita.
“She loved you even before you wished for her affection.It was just meant to be.”
“What are you thinking about?”Cleo interrupted J’s thoughts and he looked up startled and stated”Nothing.I just missed you.”
Cleopatra smiled and whispered”I missed you,too.”
She wrapped her arms around J’s neck and kissed him gently on the lips,she knowing too that their future certainly was going to be magical…


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