
We follow all
guidelines set by the EPA and OSHA

 More information can be found at:
www.osha.gov, www.aiha.org, www.lungusa.org

Don’t Fear Mold, Respect It.

There are over 100,000 different types of Mold. Only about 20 % are toxic. Some can be a serious indoor Biological Hazard. Many different molds can produce poisons called mycotoxins that cause illness and disease.

High risk individuals include, children, the elderly, individuals with respiratory or infection problems.

A Mayo Clinic Health Study has linked nearly all chronic sinus infections - which affect 37 million Americans - to molds. Doctors say this is one reason why the asthma rate has more than tripled in the last 20 years. Some molds including, the black mold, Stachybotrys atra, may cause potentially deadly bleeding in the lungs, especially among toddlers.

Do not disturb any areas that maybe contaminated with Mold. Have the infected area tested by a

Certified Mold Technician immediately. This assures that the tests are being done properly and will reduce the risk of having mold spores become airborne and cross contaminate other areas of the home, or its occupants .

Our fully trained and Certified Mold Technicians and Certified Mold Remediation Teams,
know how to identify and deal with these potential hazards. Mold risk assessors, mold samplers, laboratory tests technicians, Industrial Hygienists, mold remeditators, are all part of our Professional team, working for you.

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