One Or the Other
I Love You More Than Life Itself
Should I go to you or to my fantasy?
What should I Do?

I have you back but at the same time I one chance to do what I've dreamed of.

I think of you but I find myself wanting the other.

How many chances does one get?
How many times does one get to forefill their dreams?

But how many chances does one get to have back their true love?

Not many so I don't know what to do now?
Do I go to you or to the other?
I need you but you turned me away.
I love you. I hoped we'd be together forever.
But I was wrong. I should have let you go.

What we had something special but now it has all changed. You don't talk to me and I don't talk to you.

But in the back of my mind I think of you.

Your looks
Your smell
and...Your touch

But...It's all over now
I love You
               True Love
Once in our lives, they meet their true love

We don�t always see it
We don�t always realize it
We don�t always cherish it

Sometimes it is right in front of our faces

We look at it everyday and never know its there
We speak to it everyday and never can hear
We touch it everyday and can never feel it

Most of the time we think we see it

But we make mistakes
We are fooled by niceness
We are fooled by loving words
We are fooled by our emotions.

Sometimes true love is in front of us

I can see it
I can feel it
I can hear it

And I hear it in you
I see it in you
I feel it in you

You are not a mistake
Your words do not fool me
My emotions do not feel me

I love you and my love will never die
Even if we do not last
You will always have that Special place in my heart

los amantes para siempre
When You Look At Me
When you look at me,
What do you see?

Do you see me or the wheelchair?

When you thing of me, what do you think of?
Do you think of me or what I look like.

When you hear me, do you listen to what I have to say?

Or do you ignore me?

Tell me what goes through your mind.
Tell me so that i can teach you.

Tell me so I can answer your questions.
Tell me so we can learn about each other.
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