1st Burra Scout Group1st Burra Scout Group
Joey Scouts

Joeys Jump Together!

Joey Scouts jump into all sorts of fun and games together! Boys and girls aged 6 and 7 years old can join Joeys, and when they do there's lots to keep them occupied.

Joeys meet once a week with up to 20 Joeys under the supervision of trained Joey Scout Leaders and their helpers. Joeys wear their own everyday or school clothing but have a special scarf to show they're a Joey member.

Joeys are taught about sharing, about nature and about the world around them. Joeys are given a sense of belonging and learn ways for creative expression. And most importantly, Joeys are taught to jump in and help.

The Joey Scout theme is:

'Help other people' (H.O.P)

Jump into Fun!

Joeys can leap headlong into fun with a programme of games, crafts and activities that lets them learn, mix with other children, and have a good time.

There are games with handprints and footprints that teach Joeys about themselves, there are active games that teach co-ordination and co-operation, and there are new things to try like clay work collage making and painting.

Jump Into Adventure!

For a Joey, life is an exciting adventure. At Joey Scout meetings we'll have exciting stories and adventures of our own. We'll even venture out on exciting trips to interesting places. Mums and Dads are welcome to venture out with us too and help us make new discoveries on our road to adventure!

Jump Into The Outdoors!

It's a big, fascinating world and Joey Scouts want to see more of it and learn more about it We'll have special visitors who'll help Joeys with nature knowledge and special displays and activities.

We'll also find out more about our namesakes - the Joeys and Kangaroos of Australia - and other types of wildlife. too.

The First Jump

Joeys is the first jump into the Scout Movement. Once a Joey Scout turns 8, the Joey can move straight into the Cub Scouts, then the Scouts and later still into the Venturer and the Rover sections.

Scouting is a world-wide organisation offering the opportunity for young people to discover the world beyond home and classroom, tapping the skills of others to learn, and passing that knowledge onto others.

Joey Scouts is a great way to take that first step towards a code of living that helps young people grow into capable, self-reliant individuals.

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