1st Burra Scout Group1st Burra Scout Group
News Item

1st Burra Scout Group

December 1999 - January 2000

Carols By Candlelight

What a great Carols By Candlelight we had! Can it be only six weeks ago that we filled the Burra Hall and sang our heads off?

I would like to thank everyone who contributed their time in helping to make the night such a success. Thank you to Marie Luke for playing the organ for us, and to her talented sons, Douglas on guitar and James on bass. Thanks also to the Burra Choir, also known as the 'Frogmouths and Eucalips', for their excellent singing of Donna Nobis Pacem and Swing Low Sweet Chariot.

The Nativity Scene was presented with the poise and dignity it deserved. The look of concentration on each of the faces of the players was clearly evident to all of the Mums and Dads. Thank you to Heather Graham and her helpers, Liz Veitch, Maree Latimer and Carol Mierendorff. And of course, a big thank you to all of the actors who took part and stole the show with their performance.

At the end of the carol singing, all of the children were given a present plus some Minties, and then it was off to the kitchen for a much deserved cup of tea or coffee with cake and pikelets.

End-of-Year Group Party

The Cubs, Scouts and Venturers all got together for our End-of-Year Party on Tuesday, 7 December. The night started with a game on the oval for the Cubs and Scouts, while the Venturers prepared the barbecue. And then two Burra Bush Fire Brigade trucks arrived, manned by Captain Jim Finch and Simon Veitch.

With the trucks strategically placed about twenty metres apart, everyone began running between the trucks trying to escape the well-directed bursts of water from the water cannons. We were all soon drenched, except for Akela, who required a little persuasion to run the gauntlet between the trucks. Akela was 'helped' by a few Cubs who lifted her up and carried her into the torrents of water!

We soon warmed up by changing into dry clothes and then proceeded to devour all the food in sight. What a great finish for the year thanks to Captain Jim and Simon.

New Year Recruits

If you wish your children have a lot of fun and participate in many great adventures, then contact one of our Leaders and find out what goes on in Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers. The age range and meeting times for each of the sections are:


6 and 7 yrs

We need more Joeys!


8 to 11 yrs

Tues, 7.00 to 8.30 p.m.


10� to 15 yrs

Thurs, 7.00 to 9.00 p.m.


14 to 18 yrs

Wed, 7.00 to 9.00 p.m.

The range of activities is endless - Scouts can do ANYTHING!

Major events for this year

Some of the events we are planning to hold this year are a Trivia Pursuit Night, a Bingo Night and a very special type of Variety Night if we can manage to enlist the help of some talented volunteers.

Jamboree 2001

The 22nd Asia-Pacific/19th Australian Jamboree is only eleven months away and Scouts who are aged between 11 yrs 9 months and 15 yrs are eligible to attend. Of course there is some badge work that needs to be completed to get them ready for the big event, but they can easily do it.

The Jamboree website is www.jamboree.scouts.com.au

Burra Fair

The activities planned for the Cubs, Scouts and Venturers for this year's fair include selling soft drinks, lolly bags, chips, popcorn, flavoured milk, plus running the Challenge Corner (splat the rat, etc.) games, building a pioneer construction and participation in the Grand Parade with decorated bikes. We certainly are going to be busy!

Dragon Skin

This year's Dragon Skin competition for Venturers is to be held over the Easter weekend, 21 to 24 April. Around 1500 Venturers and Ranger Guides are expected to attend from all over the state. Previous Dragon Skin events have tested the initiative, leadership, compass, fitness and camping skills of the teams, with some of our local Venturers being well placed in this physically exhausting competition.

The Venturers will need to prepare themselves for this gruelling event by brushing up on their orienteering and camping skills.

Venturers and Ranger Guides form up into teams of 4 to 6 and are given a map of the State Forest and told to find as many bases as they can and undertake the challenges presented at each activity base. Points are awarded at each base and the more bases that a team can find and the more activities that they can complete, the more points they gain. The team with the most points at the end of the four days wins the coveted Dragon Skin.

The teams must carry all of their camping gear, food and water for the whole Easter weekend and camp at a different VOC (Venturer Overnight Centre) each night.

Coming Events

è Group Council Meeting: Monday, 14 February 2000, 7.45pm.

è Group Committee Meeting: Monday, 21 February 2000, 7.45pm.

è Burra Fair: Sunday, 26 March 2000

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