1st Burra Scout Group1st Burra Scout Group
News Item

1st Burra Scout Group

March 2000

Burra Fair Strenuous Events

The world famous Burra Gift races and Gumboot Throwing competitions provided an opportunity for many to expend a lot of energy in a very short amount of time and suffer the consequences for the next few days. Some competitors have already reported stiff muscles in arms and legs due to the non-familiar strain of vigorous competition coupled with a burning desire to do their best. They now have a whole year to get over it and prepare for next year's events.

The winners of this year's events were:

Ladies' Burra Gift - Carol Mierendorff

Men's Burra Gift - Des Brown

Ladies' Gumboot Throwing - Carol MacKay

Men's Gumboot Throwing - Greg Hedger

Junior Ladies' Gumboot Throwing - Kristen Bell

Junior Men's Gumboot Throwing - Jason Watts

I would like to thank Kristen Bell and Phillip Luke for their generous help during the running of the events.


Annual General Meeting

The Scout Group's AGM was held on Wednesday night, 22 March at the Burra Hall and our new Group Committee was elected. The new Group Committee looks a lot like our old committee with the following Mums and Dads volunteering for another term of office; President Jeff Latimer, Honorary Secretary Phil McCarthy, Honorary Treasurer Judy Harvey, Committee members Sabina Callaghan and Phil Grimm.

Registration Fees

Annual registration fees became due on the 1st of March are $55.00 for each child. Cheques should be made out to �1st Burra Scout Group� and passed to a Section Leader. As our Group has to pass this money onto NSW Branch Headquarters, early payment would be greatly appreciated.

Cub Pack

Did you see the Cubs in the Grand Parade at the Burra Fair? They were riding their beautifully decorated pushbikes, adding sparkle and colour to the parade. Some of the Cubs were also riding with the Pony Club - what a talented and clever Cub Pack we have in Burra!

We will be losing one of our Cubs to Scouts soon - Melinda Latimer has now completed her time with Cubs and has been awarded her Gold Boomerang and Yellow Chord. She will take with her to Scouts lots of useful skills. We are sorry to see you go Melinda, and we wish you good luck!

Rhyan Mierendorff has the makings of a great chef - he earnt his green cooking badge, after helping cook and serve food during the Endurance Ride. A big 1-2-3 WOOF to Rhyan.

We had a great time on our Mystery Night - we went to the Queanbeyan Pitch and Putt course. There were a number of holes-in-one, with Sam Applebee demonstrating great skill that night. The Cubs then enjoyed a gourmet feast at McDonalds!! On another night the Cubs made some racing mice ... and other weird and wonderful creatures! You should have seen the fantastical creatures they made. At the end of the night the Cubs raced them ... that was lots of fun!

There are only two more weeks to go before the end of Term 1. You can be sure that the Cubs will really be looking forward to hunting for Easter Eggs before the end of this term!! And then ... it will be time for Akela and her helpers to recharge their batteries ... ready for Term 2. Thank you to all the Cub helpers. Your support is very much appreciated.

Sharon Field (Akela)


Greetings to all. Firstly the sad bit - Jenan and Des ("Old One") have hung up their woggles. Not really, as they will continue to make special appearances and organise really BIG events - but they have decided to take a break from the weekly and regular scouting activities. From all the parents, friends, but particularly scouters whom you have influenced over the years, thank-you.

We are still finding our feet without Jenan and Des, so no big outings this month other than the Burra Fair. The Scouts arrived the night before, set up the stall and constructed an A-frame shelter under which Cameron, James, Scott and Ben. The rest (Rebecca, Melinda and Kirrily) slept in the tents. Heard that the Scouts managed to cram two days into one by not sleeping, and eating heaps!

Well done to all those who assisted in the stall and operated the Challenge Corner games. Overall we sold all drinks and most of the lollies making quite a sum.

Last night of Scouts this term will be 6th April and will recommence on Thursday 4 May. Next three terms will be a drive to finish all of our training in preparation for Jamboree. This will include lots of camping, scoutcraft and fundraising so get ready�

John Glenn

Jamboree countdown - 9 months to go

Jamboree website is www.jamboree.scouts.com.au

Coming Events

è Group Council Meeting: Monday, 10 April 2000, 7.45 p.m.

è Group Committee Meeting: Monday, 17 April 2000, 7.45 p.m.

è Scout Job Weeks: During the month of May

è Forty Hour Famine: 19 - 21 May


Yours in Scouting
Michael (Wombat) Strudwick, Group Leader

6236 3252(H), 6295 1331(W)

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.geocities.com/first_burra

(Dear Mum and Dad, please pass this article to the kids when you have finished reading it.)

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