1st Burra Scout Group1st Burra Scout Group
News Item

1st Burra Scout Group

April 2000

Scout Job Weeks

During the month of May the Cubs and Scouts will be participating in Scout Job Weeks (some of you will remember the old term �Bob-A-Job�) where they each perform some work in return for some money. The funds raised will go directly to each section to buy new equipment.

If you can help by providing a small job or two for our Cubs and Scouts, then just give me a call and I will arrange someone to be there.

Job suggestions for the Cubs include polishing brass and silverware, cleaning boots and shoes, exercising dogs, washing dishes, sweeping paths, collecting kindling for the fire.

Jobs for the Scouts include weeding, planting out, lawn mowing, washing dishes, disposal of rubbish, cleaning windows, oiling hinges, baby sitting and painting. (The recommended contribution is $2 for each half-hour worked.)

Forty Hour Famine

This year�s Forty-Hour Famine takes place over the weekend of 19 - 21 May. If you want to participate, then please contact me on 6236 3252.

Trivia Pursuit Night

Another fun-filled Trivia Pursuit Night is being planned, in conjunction with the Burra District Pony Club, to be held sometime in Term 2, probably towards the end of the term.

We plan to have a similar format as in past years with around ten tables, one team per table. We can fit up to ten people at each table, so if you can get a team of ten together, then reserve a table for your team and come along ready to have some fun.

There will be prizes for the teams that comes 1st, 2nd and 3rd, plus a special prize for the team that ends up with the lowest score.

Of course, there will be tea and coffee available, you bring along your own nibbles, plus some extra cash to join in the raffles and �money line� competitions.

More details will (most probably) be published in next month�s Burra Intermittent.

Cub Pack

The last few weeks of Cubs for last term were lots of fun.

One night the Cubs provided some pretty exciting entertainment! We had Maddie Harvey who played her violin (move over Yehudi!) and Jamie Callaghan on the keyboard (watch out Elton!). Ben Graham and Brad McCarthy and were magical magicians whose tricks and witty jokes had us astounded! Rohan Latimer and Josh Graham dazzled us with their sleight of hand with cards, and our Grand Master of Ceremonies was Rhyan Mierendorff. For supper we finished off with baked bananas, in which we had melted chocolate (yummy on a cold night). What a night!

The very last week of term we had our Easter Egg hunt. Before the Cubs could go hunting, they had to make a special Easter basket in which to place their loot ... then the hunt was on. Torchlight scoured the length and breadth of Burra Park, and any sane Easter Bunny/Bilby would have been scared out of its wits when there were shrieks of delight on discovering an egg! Altogether the Cubs found about 100 little chocolate eggs, which were all brought back into the Hall, piled high and then divided evenly between them. It was lots of fun!

On the last night of term we awarded weather badges to Ben and Josh Graham. It was also a sad night for Ben and Josh because it was their very last night at Cubs. They are moving from Burra. We will miss them both and wish them the very best of luck in their new place ... and we hope they will come back to visit us sometime.

And what will the Cubs be doing in Term 2? The Term 2 programme is still being prepared, but you can be sure there will be lots of interesting activities planned ... as well as our special mystery night tucked in there somewhere.

We are always on the lookout for new Cubs, so if you are between the ages of 8 and 10, or if you know someone who is about that age, come and join in next term. We always have lots of fun! Ask the Cubs!

Sharon Field (Akela)

Jamboree countdown - 8 months to go

Jamboree website is www.jamboree.scouts.com.au

Registration Fees

Annual registration fees are now due and are $55.00 for each child. Cheques should be made out to �1st Burra Scout Group� and passed to a Section Leader. As our Group has already passed this money onto NSW Branch Headquarters, early payment would be greatly appreciated.

Coming Events

è Scout Job Weeks: During the month of May

è Group Council Meeting: Monday, 8 May 2000, 7.45 p.m.

è Mother's Day: Sunday, 14 May, all over Australia

è Group Committee Meeting: Monday, 15 May 2000, 7.45 p.m.

è Forty-Hour Famine: 19 - 21 May


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