1st Burra Scout Group

1st Burra Scout Group

News Item

1st Burra Scout Group
June 2000

Cub Pack

Cubs have just finished their activities for the second term of this year ... and what a way to finish! Despite the sprinkles of rain, our intrepid pack built a great campfire, which was very warm and welcoming. They prepared a wonderful feast of meat and vegetables, wrapped in foil and cooked in the hot coals. Eaten with lots of hot noodles, cooked to perfection by Maree Latimer, our meal was delicious! If you plan on getting lost in the bush, make sure you have a 1st Burra Cub or two with you - they will keep you in the lap of luxury in your "lostness".

While the food was cooking in the fire, the Cubs (Maddie, Rohan, Sam, Ben and Jamie) and visitors (Katherine and Sara from Melbourne) played with a whistling fluoro frisbee on the park (if you thought you saw a UFO it was only your imagination). Wallaby (from Burra) and Sara (from the Yukon in Canada) were tasked with keeping the flames flickering while the fluoro frisbee flew.

The week before all of this happened we had our Mystery Night - this time we went rock climbing at Kingston. What energy went into that activity - I am sure parents delighted in their sleepy Cubs that night (... until they had to get them out of bed for school next morning!). All the Cubs managed to scale the dizzy heights of even some of the most difficult rock walls, clinging to tiny rocks with their fingers and toes - the teamwork between the Cubs was also good to see. All of that effort meant we need to boost our energy levels, so off to McDonalds we went for supper and filled up on ... well, you can probably guess what we had ...

So now we have a break of a couple of weeks before we return for Term 3. Those few weeks are designed for Cubs to boost their energy levels, and for Leaders to think of all manner of exciting challenges for next term (and to boost their energy levels)!

A big 1-2-3 WOLF to all parent helpers during the term - your support is important.

Don't forget that Cubs is designed for children around 8 - 10 years old - the activities are exciting and challenging. We are always happy to see new members join our Pack.

Sharon Field (Akela)


Scout Troop

One of the BIGGEST FUN NIGHTS of all time was had during June with a whole night devoted to a competition between teams of players as they tried their skills at many different games spread around the hall. The aim of the competition is to get as many points as you can for your team with each game being played at lightning speed as you only have 5 minutes before moving onto the next game. The games consisted of mini-golf, button throwing, reverse skittles, under-arm basketball, blind darts (with the board behind a big screen so that you can't see it - this game did require constant supervision as you can imagine) and paddleball.

With each team keeping their own score, honesty and trustworthiness were tested to the limit. The Scouts voted the two best games to be reverse skittles and blind darts. They were so much fun, that I think that we will play them again next term - maybe we will have a combined night with the Cub Pack.

With two very active Patrols, there is never a quiet moment, especially when the game of 'grenades' is played with a fort being built at each end of the hall and targets being knocked over by the 'grenades' (tennis balls). Other Scout pastimes have included hockey, poison ball, and the old favourite of Stockman's Lunch where the pace is very fast as each player tries to eat as much chocolate with a knife and fork as they can before someone throws an Ace with the dice.

New Patrol Leaders (PLs) and Assistant Patrol Leaders (APLs) have been elected by the Troop. The new PLs are Darcy Green (PL of the Redback Patrol) and Scott McCarthy (PL of the Panther Patrol); the new APLs are Cameron McCarthy (APL of the Redback Patrol) and Kirrily Bearse (APL of the Panther Patrol). Congratulations to all.

The Troop also welcomes Brad McCarthy who has advanced from the Cub Pack. Brad was presented with his Link badge and was invested as a Scout on the 15 June after having completed the challenge of crossing a rope bridge blindfolded. Well done Brad, and a very warm welcome to the Troop.

Trivial Pursuit Night

Our next Trivial Pursuit Night is to be held on Saturday, 5 August at the Burra Hall. The evening is a 'joint venture' of the Scout Group and the Pony Club. Tickets are on sale now from Dianne Poole (6236 3010), Jenan Cannon (6236 3294) and Mike Strudwick (6236 3252) at $6 per adult and $2 per child. Mark the date on your calendar and in your diary - you'll have a great night.


Coming Events

è Group Council Meeting: Monday, 10 July 2000, 7.45pm.

è Group Committee Meeting: Monday, 17 July 2000, 7.45pm.

è Trivial Pursuit Night: Saturday, 5 August 2000, at the Burra Hall, commencing around 7.30pm.

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