1st Burra Scout Group

1st Burra Scout Group

News Item

1st Burra Scout Group
July 2000

Scout Job Weeks

Congratulations to the Cubs and Scouts for their participation in this year's Scout Job Weeks which was held during the month of May. A big THANK YOU especially to the Mums and Dads and all our supporters for volunteering jobs to be done. The money raised this year goes towards buying equipment for the Cub Pack and the Scout Troop. Job Weeks badges have been earned by Kirrily Bearse, Melinda Latimer, Rhyan Mierendorff, Maddie Harvey, Rohan Latimer, Sam Applebee, Ben Harvey and Ben Applebee. Well done Cubs and Scouts.

Cub Pack

Well, Cubs and Leaders are back on the attack as we launch into our Term 3 activities!

Our first night back was quite exciting as we had a Tramp's Tea Party. This is played with a die, a scarf, gloves, beanie, a BIG block of chocolate and a knife and fork. The idea of this game is to roll a 6, then as quickly as you can put on the scarf, gloves and beanie before someone else rolls a 6. If you manage to dress quickly you can then try to cut a square of chocolate with the knife and fork and eat it! All the time you are desperately hoping that no one else throws a six!

So much energy goes into this game that the Tramps (Cubs) actually need that hard one square of chocolate to keep their energy levels high! Ben Applebee was a supertramp - he just kept rolling 6s!! And Maddie Harvey's luck was just not with her that night!

Last week we did all our activities by candlelight. After parade, we turned off all the lights in the hall and each Cub had a candle - we played skittles by candlelight and had a relay (which was pretty difficult because the faster the Cubs ran, the more likely it was that their candle would go out!), although Ryan Mierendorff ran like the wind and kept his candle alight. We even ventured outside in the sleety wind, which provided us with a great challenge - how to keep that candle alight!

For supper, we cooked tiny teddies in the flame and these delicious morsals were gobbled down by Jamie Callaghan, Rohan Latimer and Sam Applebee.

We have some fun activities scheduled for this term, including another Mystery Night, a night hike and a games evening with the Scouts. So, if you are between the ages of 8 and 10 (or if you have a child of that age) and you enjoy having lots of adventures, come along and join in our fun!

Sharon Field (Akela) 6236.3456

Scout Troop

Term 3 is a short one this year due to the Olympic Games and so the Scout Troop has to pack a whole lot more fun into each night's activities to get through their very active program. As well as getting tied up in knots and swinging from rope to rope just like Tarzan, the energy expended on the very, very cold Burra nights playing active games, out on the park and within the hall, helps to keep everyone very warm, especially Wombat. The Troop welcomes Rebecca Griffin who has joined the Troop this term. Welcome Rebecca. Most of the Troop's activities so far this term have been outside the hall, running around on the very damp and sometimes frozen grass.

The most exciting game engaged in so far this term has been Spotlight, which is played by the Scouts hiding from the person with the big torch. Wombat seems to get this job every time and doesn't get a chance to hide anywhere. The object of the game is for the person with the torch to seek out the Scouts in their hiding places. Once illuminated by torchlight, the Scout loses a life and then is free to go and hide again. It is amazing how quiet a Scout can be while being stalked by the torch bearer. Scouts are capable of climbing any obstacle without making a noise; they can run silently from tree to bush without being detected, even by Wombat's super sensitive hearing. They can even remain motionless throughout the entire game never giving away their position by movement or talking. That takes cunning and determination.

Day Hike

The Scouts will be going on a day hike shortly, as soon as the weather warms up a bit. The challenge will be to get to the top of Tinderry. This hike is a tough one, requiring lots of energy food (chocolate) to enable the Scouts to make it to the top. There is a lot of bush bashing, rock climbing and a vert steep fire trail. The view from the top is worth the effort.

Trivial Pursuit Night

Our next Trivial Pursuit Night is to be held on Saturday, 5 August at the Burra Hall. The evening is a 'joint venture' of the Scout Group and the Pony Club. Tickets are on sale now from Dianne Poole (6236 3010), Jenan Cannon (6236 3294) and Mike Strudwick (6236 3252) at $6 per adult and $2 per child. Mark the date on your calendar and in your diary - you'll have a great night.


Coming Events

è Trivial Pursuit Night: Saturday, 5 August 2000, at the Burra Hall, commencing around 7.30pm.

è Group Council Meeting: Monday, 14 August 2000, 7.45pm.

è Group Committee Meeting: Monday, 21 August 2000, 7.45pm.

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