1st Burra Scout Group1st Burra Scout Group
News Item

1st Burra Scout Group
August 2000

Trivial Pursuit Night

Our Trivial Pursuit Night, held on 5th August, was a great success due to the grand support given by all those who came along and gave it a go. There were 100 people packed into the cosiest Hall in Burra as we had both the slow combustion heater going and the gas heater to take the chill off the air. We had ten tables and all were full, except for table No.3, which was empty all night! Maybe because it was close to the door.

The winning table on the night were the Table Ten Team, closely followed by Table No.9. Of course, there were many other prize winners. The other lucky people were the winners of the Lucky Door prize and of the many 'Heads & Tails' games.

A special thank you to Ros Bush for setting our questions and to all of the helpers from the Pony Club and the Scout Group who made the night so successful. Thank you also to those generous people who donated prizes, some from there own garden.


Cub Pack

The Cubs have had a couple of exciting nights over the past month; the first of which they brought their pets to! There was "Killer" the budgie (Rohan's pet); and "Woolly Mammoth" the guinea pig (Ryan's pet); and "Balloon Buster" the border collie (Sam and Ben's pet); and "Midnight" the black pup (Maddie's pet); and "Ridgie-Didge" the Digemon (Jamie's pet). What a collection! And, of course Akela had all her pets ... the Cubs!!! After a pet parade, where it was a little uncertain who was parading who, some of the pets went home for an early night and the Cubs and Akela and a brave parent continued on ... and built a rope bridge from one end of Burra Hall to the other.

Now constructing that bridge was a double challenge: first to build the bridge so that it would not collapse; and second, for the Cubs one-by-one to travel over the bridge and then return. The giggles almost caused a few of the Cubs to topple from the bridge, but every single one of them managed this feat of skill without falling off, and then they all wanted to travel across the bridge again!!

Our "Mystery Night" for this term saw the Cubs playing Ten-Pin Bowls. The girls team beat the socks off the boys team, and for a moment we thought we might lose some of the Cubs down the chute, particularly when some of them did not let go of the bowling ball quickly enough! So you can imagine that it was rather exciting to find that we had the same number of Cubs at the end of the night as we started out with - Cubs and Leaders and parents were both relieved and happy! The most "strikes" (where all the pins are knocked down in one bowl) for the night were scored by Jamie, who bowled a mean ball!! We finished our Mystery Night with a gourmet meal at the big "M" where depleted energy levels were recharged.

Our very last night for this term will be a campfire at the Burra Hall where wondrous and mysterious things will be cooked in the fire and eaten ... charcoal and all! The Scouts will join the Cubs for this campfire ... should be fun

If you are between the ages of 8 and 10 (or if you have a child of that age) and you enjoy having lots of adventures, come along and join in our fun!

Sharon Field (Akela) 6236.3456

Scout Troop

With a construction theme for Term 3, the Scouts have achieved some marvellous results. Using some newly acquired lashing skills, the first major construction was the building of the BIGGEST ladder ever, followed a couple of weeks later by a two-pole bridge. The bridge was tested by all of the Scouts and found to be very safe. The bridge also became a HUGE swing, something like a battering ram, and all the Scouts thoroughly enjoyed their rides. Now that they have mastered these skills, what will they think of next?

A campfire activity of cooking twisties, not the yellow ones in the cellophane packets, but twisties made from damper dough took up one whole night. Cooked on a stick, the twisties were eaten with heaps of honey poured down the hole made by the stick. The trick in making these little devils is to use a green stick so that it doesn't burn before the twisties are cooked. The evening spent around the campfire was very relaxing.

Want to be a Scout?

Sick of watching TV? Tired of video games? Want to do something outside for a difference? If you are between 11 and 14 you can join our Troop and become a Scout. There's so much to do - it's up to your imagination!

With the warmer weather soon with us, we have some challenging outdoor activities, which include a challenging day hike to the top of Tinderry, an overnight camp at a secret destination, plus canoeing and kayaking on Lake Burley Griffin where everyone gets a chance to earn their Boating Charge Certificate.

Wombat 6236.3252

Coming Events

è Group Council Meeting: Monday, 11 September 2000, 7.45pm.

è Group Committee Meeting: Monday, 18 September 2000, 7.45pm.


Certificate of Appreciation

A Certificate of Appreciation was recently presented to Col Maxwell of Maxwell & Co Real Estate for his very generous donation of a photocopier and a fax machine to the 1st Burra Scout Group.

Both units will be of great benefit to the Scout Group; the photocopier for making sure we have plenty of copies of games materials, notes to parents, activity notification forms, plus a lot more, and the fax machine, which will provide another important communication link for our Group.


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