1st Burra Scout Group1st Burra Scout Group
News Item

1st Burra Scout Group - September 1999

Cub Pack

Our recent Mystery Night was spent at the Scout Radio Station in Garran, where the Cubs were set the task of locating a lost dog at night. Armed with two-way radios and torches, they set off in search of a small dog lost somewhere in a huge paddock. They had to follow directions and report back on their position to the radio base. The Cubs were terrific searchers and located the small dog much to everyone's pleasure ... so if you need someone to help you search for anything lost ... the 1st Burra Cubs are at your service!!

We have invested two new Cubs this month: Rohan Latimer and Jamie Callaghan. We have also selected new Sixers and Seconders. Sixers are Melinda Latimer and Ben Graham and the Seconders are Brad McCarthy and Carly Foden. A big 1-2-3-Wolf to you all!

The Cubs are hoping to have a Sleepover Camp soon. This will provide them with an opportunity to complete some badgework. They have been working very hard on their map reading skills and are becoming quite good at directions and following trails.

Have you ever tried to burst a balloon by sitting on it? The Cubs had a lot of fun trying ... and trying ... and then succeeding! It is much harder than it may seem. Spotlight remains a favourite game ... and we will be playing many other new games in Term 4.

Many many thanks to all the parents and big brothers and sisters who have provided a helping hand with Cubs during Term 3. Your support is important, and always appreciated.

Sharon Field (Akela)

Scout Troop

Scouts are looking forward to a wet 4th Term - (not rain wet) - we are planning some canoeing activities and associated water safety skills including swimming and life saving.

We are hoping to be involved in a Boating Charge weekend on the 6th/7th November where Scouts can improve their paddling skills and earn their Boating Charge Certificates. Once all of our Scouts are 'water safe', we are planning a canoe camp.

Old One, Jenan and John

Venturer Unit

Olympic Games Job Offer

The Australian Jamboree 2001 Executive has been negotiating with P&O Food Services regarding the use at the Jamboree of some of the specialised buildings that the P&O Food Services people will be using at the Olympics. As part of this arrangement, Scouts Australia have offered to notify all Venturers and Rovers of an offer of employment by P&O Food Services at the Olympic Games in Sydney. If any of our Venturers would like to apply for a position with P&O Food Services at the Olympics, then contact me for further details.

Casual Uniform Shirt

The Branch Venturer Council has agreed to a casual uniform for Venturers in New South Wales. This will consist of a maroon polo shirt, with an embroidered NSW Venturer logo, which can be worn with or without the Unit scarf. Shirts will be embroided with the Unit name underneath the logo. The cost of the shirts is $20 each.

The Unit's recent activities have included building a giant set of stilts. The stilts are in the form of a very large triangle made by lashing together three long poles to form a triangle. Four ropes are then attached to the apex of the structure and the triangle is stood up on two legs. By holding onto the ropes, the triangle is kept vertical, or nearly vertical depending on the strength of the Venturers and a volunteer is selected to stand on the horizontal base pole and hang onto the other two poles. The aim of the exercise is to 'walk' the structure around the park with the assistance of the four people on the ropes coordinating the staccato movements. Another aim is not to fall off!

The Venturers have started building a large storage box for the Unit's equipment and a lot of progress has been made. Accurate measurements to date have indicated that the box can hold two whole Venturers with a bit of space left over. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to carry with two Venturers locked inside.

A minor craft exercise was also undertaken to learn how to plait four pieces of cord. This was achieved with varying degrees of success, however we aim to improve with practice.

The most successful activity during recent weeks has been the game of soccer which always ensures a lively opening event to each night's activities resulting mainly in the Leader being exhausted and requiring about half an hour to resume normal breathing.

By the time you read this newsletter the Venturers will have completed the Clyde Rive Canoe Expedition with the Goulburn and Braidwood Venturers. A report will be given in next month's Intermittent.


Coming Events

è Group Council Meeting: Monday, 11 October 1999, 7.45pm.

è Group Committee Meeting: Tuesday, 19 October 1999, 7.45pm.

è Jamboree 2001 Information Night: 7.00 pm, Thursday, 14 October 1999 in the Rover Den.

è Jamboree On The Air (JOTA): Saturday & Sunday, 16/17  October 1999.

è Boating Charge Certificate Weekend: Saturday & Sunday, 6/7 November 1999.

è Burra Open Gardens Weekend: Saturday & Sunday, 20/21 November 1999.

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