1st Burra Scout Group1st Burra Scout Group
News Item

1st Burra Scout Group - November 1999

Open Gardens Weekend

Our Tea Stall at the Open Gardens weekend was a big success thanks to the efforts of many of our supporters. A big 'Thank You' to Maree Latimer for her outstanding efforts and to her stalwart helpers, Helen Sergi, Chris Rose and Judy Harvey. Thanks also to Alan and Christine Gascoyne for making us welcome and for their support.

Boating Charge Certificate Weekend

Over 30 Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Leaders participated in this year's Boating Charge Certificate weekend which was held on Lake Burley Griffin. Participants came from 1st Braidwood, 2nd Queanbeyan and 1st Burra.

The aim of the weekend is to provide instruction in the handling of canoes and kayaks, and to provide an opportunity to gain self-confidence in the water. Besides learning many types of paddle strokes and how to use them in navigating around a course, participants also learn the safety rules, plus how to climb back into a canoe or kayak in the event of a capsize. Getting back into a kayak is very difficult as some of our participants can vouch for. You really have to attempt it to appreciate how hard the task is. It is like trying to climb a moving greased pole.

End-of-Year Group Activity

The Cub Pack, Scout Troop and Venturer Unit will all be getting together this year for an end-of-year Group activity on Tuesday, 7 December, commencing with Opening Parade at 7.00pm. We expect to finish up sometime between 8.30pm and 9.00pm.

As a result of all the sections meeting on the Tuesday night, the normal Venturer and Scout meetings will not meet on the Wednesday and Thursday nights.

We are going to provide food (sausage sizzle plus some other goodies) and drinks on the night and some exciting games for everyone. Everyone will need to bring a change of clothes for the 'main event'. If you want to be part of an exciting night - BE THERE!

Carols By Candlelight

Carols By Candlelight will be on again be this year. It will be held on Sunday, 19 December at the Burra park, commencing at 7.30pm (Burra time).

Bring along a rug, some chairs and help to make this evening an enjoyable one. Supper will be available after Carol in the Hall with plenty of tea and coffee, and we ask that you bring along a plate of cake, slice or pikelets to share. We will supply the jam and cream.

Cub Pack

This month the Cubs have done lots of "safety" things. First we were visited by Chief Jim and Deputy Sid from the Burra Bushfire Brigade who taught the Cubs about safety with fire, and showed the Cubs how to light a match safely!!! The Cubs then manned the hoses and damped down our Chief and his Deputy in no time flat!

Some of the Cubs (Latimers, Applebees and Callaghan) participated in the Boating Charge weekend on Lake Burley Griffin learning the basics of water and canoe safety!

We spent one night at Tuggeranong Pool, doing water safety and all the Cubs earned badges for their efforts - Brad McCarthy and Maddie Harvey even managed a deep water rescue of Akela!

Another night we did a bike ride through the Burra Homestead ('Thank You' Lajla and Beat!), onto McDiarmid and Williamsdale Roads, and then back to the Hall where we had bike relays and slalom races on the Park until parents arrived - more badges were earned that night!

Most recently Jesse McDonald from the Venturer Unit arranged for the Cubs to visit Telstra Tower as this term's Mystery Night. The Cubs spotted Burra in the distance and enjoyed learning about all the "old fashioned" telephones their parents used to use!!! Well done Jesse!! We topped that night off with a gourmet supper at McDonalds (the yellow "m" rather than Jesse's place!).

What a month! Thank you parents, neighbours and helpers!

Sharon Field (Akela)

Scout Troop

Unfortunately our planned canoe weekend of the 27/28 November has had to be postponed. We are hoping now to do some canoeing on the 18/19 December.

Term 4 is a busy time at school for both students and leaders (especially when the leader is a teacher) and consequently Scouts have had a quiet time recently. We are looking forward to our combined Christmas party on Tuesday 7 December.

Old One, Jenan and John

Venturer Unit

What a diverse range of activities the Venturers have participated in during November. Rock wall climbing at Kingston, Zone Venturer Council at 2nd Queanbeyan, football, pool, skateboarding, helping at the Open Gardens stall, and a most active game of Irish Football that you have ever seen lasting for a whole hour. You guessed it - Venturers can do ANYTHING.


Coming Events

è End-of-Year Group Activity: Tuesday, 7 December 1999, 7.00pm.

è Group Council Meeting: Monday, 13 December 1999, 7.45pm.

è Carols By Candlelight: Sunday, 19 December 1999, at the Burra park, commencing 7.30pm.

è Group Committee Meeting: Monday, 20 December 1999, 7.45pm.

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