1st Burra Scout Group1st Burra Scout Group

Action packed

When you become a Scout you're accepting a challenge to plunge into action. You could find yourself exploring a mountain wilderness, soaring on warm air currents high above the earth at the controls of a glider plane, helping in emergency rescues, operating a radio station, photographing wild animals, sending coded messages, searching for gold, canoeing down a swift river, camping out bush, recording your own songs or sailing across the ocean with the salt spray in your face.

Scouting gives you the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of exciting activities. It also gives you the greatest opportunity of all - the opportunity to develop real friendships by sharing the experiences of learning, growing and exploring the world with others.

Action You Create

Scouts aren't told what to do by adults. Your Scout Leaders are there to help you and give you direction but you are involved in planning your activities and making decisions with the other members of your Scout Troop.

Action To lead

As you learn and gain experience you'll discover not only more about the world around you and the adventures you can have, but more about working together and becoming a leader too. Under the guidance of your Scout Leader you can move up through the ranks to accept the challenge and adventures of leadership.

Action In A Patrol

As a Scout you will become a member of a Scout Patrol. You work as a team, helping each other, depending on each other, and each having a say in decision making. Your Patrol will have from four to eight members, and be led by a Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader. The Patrol Leader organises your meetings and takes part in council meetings with other Patrol Leaders.

Action In A Troop

Several Scout Patrols make up a Scout Troop.

The Troop usually meets in a Scout Hall and is guidedby a Scout Leader. Broad programme management and routine business is handled by theTroop Council, which is made up of all Patrol Leaders and the Scout Leader.

The Action of Achieving

Scouts can earn achievement badges on four different levels:

The PioneerBadge

The Explorer Badge

The Adventurer Badge

The Challenge Badges

These offer you an opportunity to pursue your hobbies and master new achievments in 16 challenging fields!

It's a great feeling each time you win a new badge because it shows yourself and others that you're capable of achieving your goals.

Action At A Jamboree!

It's the ultimate adventure for a Scout - travelling interstate or even overseas to a Jamboree where thousands of Scouts from all over the world gather to have fun. You'll see new faces, perhaps hear new languages and develop new friendships that can last a lifetime.

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