Sunday School Classes

Sunday School classes are held between 9:45am-10:45am. A variety of classes are offered to cater to all ages and interests.
Sarah Heffner
2-4 Years
Denise Campbell
Beverly Wright
Hope Reynolds
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
Patricia Curtis
Debbie Wilkinson
Paige Martin
Kim Abernathy
4th - 5th Grade
Curtis Sharpe
6th - 7th Grade
Katie Kale
Lydia Clampitt
8th - College
Nathan Lawing
Tatum Lawing
Christians on Line
Brian Brown
Jody Stouffer
Pairs & Spairs
Charlie Curtis
Doug Ledford
The Seekers
Pastor Sarah Kalish
Fellowship Class
Rita Curlee
Cliff Auton
Charlie Murray
Friendly Class
Alvin Rose


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