WHAT?  The address on this page are actually forwarding address owned by our district.  When you send email to these address, they are immediately forwarded to the intended parties normal e-mail box.  For the recipient, it comes as normal mail.  SKIP TO ADDRSS LIST

WHY?  Often when we send e-mail, in the district, we are really sending it to the officer holder at the time.  A question for the AGL should go to the current AGL, whomever it may be.  The e-mail addresses on this page are intended to be permanent and easily remembered contacts for district officers and organizations.  There are two advantages to this process.  One, for all of us, is that you need not memorize address or update mailing lists.  Each lodge secretary can, for example, have a list of all the permanent secretary email address.  As the secretaries of lodges change with time, from your point of view,  they remain unchanged.  They only need be updated at this end as officers change.  For me, it means that e-mail links on web pages will not have to be changed when officers change - just the address of the responsible officer.  This will save work and eliminate confusion because "I missed a few"

WHO?  The primary district officers (ddgm, staff officer, agl) each have an address, as do the Blood Drive and Child ID programs.  The Master and Secretary of each lodge (or their designated proxy) also each get an address.   They are ALL of a form similar to: and  Obviously, you don't even need to write these down - just know the lodge number!  Remember - if the responsible doesn't have email, he may designate a proxy.

HELP:  It would be very helpful, especially with the summer break coming, if each lodge would send me their chosen recipients.  It would be great to have all seven lodges represented.  Your suggestions for other important permanent positions are encouraged.

District Officers
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

District Programs
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

Sitting Masters (or email proxy)
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

Sitting Secretaries (or email proxy)
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

Website Administration
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

CATCH ALL: (bad addresses - sent to Webmaster - who will try to resolve)

Bonus:  For those of you who know how to use them, you can set up your email filters to put your district mail in a separate mail box, or highlight it.  These also protect your privacy.

Help Support the District Website:  Your own custom email forward for only $1/year.  Anything Goes (almost).   Want to supply all your your officers?  Package deals available.


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