
Real Name: Jack Manyon
Job: Co-HTML writer, Co-site designer
E-Mail: [email protected]
Age: Old enough to know better, young enough not to care
Muse: My black cat named "Lucky"
Location: Canada

Hello! And welcome to my little part of the site!

My name is Jack Manyon or just Jack. I'm one of the two people here that take care of this website and keep it running. The other is AC who's profile is Here.

I'm a Canadian and darned proud of it, with a very healthy sense humor with a touch of sarcasim. I'm also a Author at Fanfiction.Net where most of the staff here each have a number of pieces of writing there. I've been there since April 2000 and have at least five (Oooooh) Fics archived. You can see them Here.

Here are a list of sayings I use, live by and just generaly fit my personality. By reading them you should get a good idea of me. :)

~Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
~Laughing helps - its like jogging on the inside.
~My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves completely.
~One day I shall burst my buds of calm and blossom into hysteria.
~If you can remain calm, you just don't have all the facts.
~There are some things that prayer just can't solve. There are some things that gods can't help. But there are some things that normal mortals can do. And I say that we do them. -Renegade

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