Because of their beauty and mainly, for the show that provide when hooked, jumping and fighting a lot, they are a type of obsession in sportsmen fishermen. Fishing them are easy, especially when the Pantanal begins to leak and this specie, in shoals, denounces their presence attacking small fish, migrating from the fields that are drying, heading to the top of the river. In these occasions it requests only stopping the boat close to one of these places and fly the bait, because independent the fact of being natural or artificial, the attack will be fulminant. They can also be fished in the system of throws in corredeiras (cascades) and galhadas (under water trees). Fishing with natural baits, tuviras with more frequency, and also the cascudinhos, camboatás, jejus, sauás, sardines, as well as other types of white baits, present great results.

 Tucunarés (Peacock Bass)

Originating from the basin Tocantins-Araguaia, this specie was introduced accidentally there 20 years ago, and today it is constituted in one of the main attractions of that river. Their adaptation thanks to the great amount of rivers and stalls that exist in the region. Unlike what many affirm, their presence seems very  beneficial for other species, fact that it is evidenced by the great variety of species that live together in the same habitat. The medium size of the specie is around 2,5 kilos. They are found in great shoals inside of the countless stalls that exist in the region, side of ravines, under water trees and aquatic vegetation.

Pintados and Cacharas

They inhabit in several places in the river, and the best fishing points are the deepest wells, streams entrances, accentuated curves, margins with aquatic vegetation and bottoms of stalls. Other promising points are the channels, located after small cascades and, when the sun is high, on the shore. Alive baits are the most efficient and the ones that present better results are the tuvira, the jeju, the minhocuçu and the white baits like the sauás, characins, piaus, piabas, sardines, pacus-peva and small curimbatás.If the river is in low water level, the fishes will go in what local people calls poçoes (wells). Because of that, in these times the best practice is the round fishing. They are more active in the first hours of the day and in the ends of  afternoon, however, depending on the atmosphere, they can be captured during every day.

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