Danae:  Where should we begin...hmm.  We all know that the original Abs hairdo was “dodgy”.  You know what I’m talking about peoples.  It was uh- “interesting”- the early days- the 1997 year look.  Umm.  NO.  It was EVERYWHERE. 
And then we had the “sexy” thing going on later on- about the time of the US Disney Special.  Now that was good hair!  It was JUST right.  We didn’t have the floppiness of hair everywhere (*cough* Ritchie) or the annoyance of fixing it.  It was sort of like a mini "spiked look" but almost short enough that it was shaved.  It was just...AHH nice.  Then we have the current Abs incarnation- didn’t he call his hair once Steve and Andy or something like that?  Uh-oh I’ve stopped losing track...must be because his hair now basically BITES.  Why?  There is no hair.  He shaved it off.  UGH.  He is just completing his ghetto gestures by pulling that look.  Absremember you’re ENGLISH.  You’re NOT from New York.  You’re not from COMPTON.  You’re not even Vanilla Ice.  WORD TO YOUR MOTHER. 

Carrie - You’re coughing quite a lot, D.  I hope you’re not coming down with
something...especially seeing as I’m in the same room.  But DUDE!  I agree about  the early Abs hair!  It looked like his stylist put a weed-wacker through it and called it a day!   Hey, we could totally be stylists D!  We could do that!  We could mess with these stars’ hair and make it “THE NEW LOOK OF THE MILLENNIUM”.  Wait...the new millennium starts next year...oh well!  4 billion people and the media couldn’t be wrong!   ANYWAYS!  I do like his new hair though, man!  Maybe cuz it just looks like Sean’s hair...oooo....::shudders::.  Oh, but that’s another category.

Danae:  Umm hello Car.  HELLO.  Must get out of this fantasy world we are living in- SNAP OUT OF IT...  talk about Sean LATER.  We’re talking about ABS here.  And basically I’m going to have to rate his new hair worse than Ritchie’s old hair.     If he ever  goes back to those “sexy days”- I’ll be the first girl in the front row at their concert (IF THEY EVER CAME TO THE STATES TO TOUR.  WHICH WILL BE NEVER.  But that’s another thing isn’t it Car?  We’re not bitter....) with a huge bottle of Pantene Pro V asking him to be a sponsor!   Till then...Rating: Worthy of  a VOID Silent Member mention only if he grows it out.

Carrie - D, D, D...Sean is always worth a mention!  (I’m 20--shoot!  I’m a freakin
pediphile!)  Abs...he gets a rating only A LITTLE better than Ritchie’s.  Picture this, if you will:  Abs and Ritchie standing next to each other.  A nuclear bomb (or something) has decimated the earth, and you three are the only people left on the world.  Your job:  to repopulate the world.  Which one would you snog?  Personally,  I want my sons to look a bit more masculine than my daughters, so it’s ABS all the way baby.  Now if Sean were there...

This Richelle will send you back to the "Bad Hair Day" page because she likes being helpful.  That and she can't complain about it because she's "silent". 

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