BEFORE                                              AFTER
Carrie - Is it me, or is J trying to reincarnate the Scott look for himself?  What tha hell man?  I guess the eternal question is who had it first?  (The eternal chicken or egg question.)  Spikes...that look went away when you little boys put away your G.I. Joes and became men.  My little brother had that haircut, and it was OK when we still took baths together!!  Come on!  Look at the current big hits!  Tom Cruise always has good hair!  (C’ept for his Magnolia hair...uh’s another hottie...Tom....)  Get with the program.  And I’m going to refrain (very reluctantly) from making a Sean reference this time....even though he has the best hair.

Danae: I know the answer!  I know the answer!  (Why do I sound like a little 1st grader going “ooh ooh PICK ME!  PICK ME!)  Actually CAR you’re wrong.  It wasn’t Scott or J.  (dramatic pause)  The BUTLER did it.  OH sorry wrong thing...umm I meant it was (another dramatic pause) ABS.  Come on!  It was and you know it!  I mean it was the in between dodgy hair and shaved head look.  It was during the “sexy phase”.  And suddenly- and I will bring it up again- The US Disney Special- J had this new hair thing going on.  Personally it was 100% times better than his earlier look.  He looked VERY good in that Disney Special.  FAN ME!  Before that it was not working with me.  He tried going for the pseudo-shaved look but couldn’t pull it off....REMEMBER?  I think the flat hair thing made his head look bigger!

Carrie - But I’m not saying that you don’t look hot, J, baby.  I like you almost
*ALMOST* as much as I like Sean!!!  So I give you Richelle patting you in the back! 
Almost there, mate.  Just don’t go all the way like Scott did, man.  KILLS IT!!

Danae:  I’m going to give my highest rating on this one.  Richelle wouldn’t only SPEAK she would ask if she could BARE YOUR CHILDREN!  She would never shut up after that.  I say J (hey that rhymed) that the new hair is SEXY...especially since you lost some of that *extra muscle (umm so you said) weight*  OOH BABY.  Gimmie some of that....oh I’m going off topic now again aren’t I....REPRODUCE OR DIE: REPRODUCE till the cows come home.  Yeah. 

This Richelle will send you back to the "Bad Hair Day" page because she wouldn't be able to bare it if you missed out on the rest of CAR and D's opinions!


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