What destiny does the fey member of the gang have? 
Do those striking blue eyes and colgate smile hold a future in modeling? 

Car says: 

     HELL NO!  Calvin Klein won't have them in their ads!  I mean, the ads have to appeal to the MEN who wear boxers or briefs, so the femininity won't do! And yet, the guy sure wears lipstick well (hell, even better than I do!). 

So what does Madame Carrie predict for his future? 

     Revlon make-up counter person.  He'll be that guy who knows just what shade of foundation will bring out the glow in your skin.  And when he's applying your make-up, you can talk to him about your guy problems!
D Reality Check:
     First Fiver to sign a solo deal and am I in shock?  No.  Why?  DID WE NOT LISTEN TO INVINCIBLE?  The boy has been primping for a solo deal since back then....notice how he started to actually SING.  *shakes head*  We hope the boy has improved vastly on his song writing skills as much as he has in his singing.  Cause *I* for one don't want to see him turn to acting when he fails.  We know what happens to boyband members that act....*cringes at remembering NSYNC's Lance Bass "acting" in 7th Heaven*

What does this talented dancer have in store for his future? 
Will he continue dancing and vocalizing in his future career? 

Car says:

     Yes! Although it may not be what you'd expect.  Even though he annoys the hell out of me, I must admit that he's got those dance moves down. 

So what does Madame Carrie predict? 

     Exercise video instructor.  Come on, he's got the moves, and he'll still be able to show off how high he can count up to! (Sometimes higher than five!) "And one, and two, and three, and four, and five, and s--, and...no...that's not it...and...um...yah, one, and two..." Richard Simmons, move on out, cuz here comes *da da da daaaa* Abs!  Ever work out to "Got the Feelin'"?  (No D, don't raise your hand.)  He'll aerobicize you, and ostracize you.  He'll make you feel the burn!  "And step, and step, and slide, and slide, and stretch out your arms, and hold out your fingers five!"  And for once I can say that he'll deserve that name "Abs".

D Reality Check:

     Apperantly the boy has signed a SOLO deal as well.  *ponders*  THIS could be why he was ALL over their LAST and final album KingSize.  Was I the only one who noticed that the album should have been called "Abs and the other four guys"??  Hello.  I pray that he went and learned more vocab because if I have to hear the same freaking raps in his solo work that I did in those now *classic* Five tunes I think I'll have a heart attack.  No more counting first of all.  And stop using old-school slang.  Not cute.  Not cute.  Hell.  If it doesn't work out Abs you can always DJ at our fun house parties.  Car, Bea, D, and I will compensate the lack of funds with some free alcohol.  I know.  We're too good to you.

What future does this master of ballads have?  Surely singing must still be in his future. 

Car says: 

     Sure!  Singing seems to be his strong point, and he does love those 80's love ballads. 

What does Madame Carrie say? 

     Wedding singer.  It'll be an easy job to get right away, and his "celebrity" status will earn him something.  (Especially since he has a baby now [*ugh!*  Gag me with a spoon!  Do I have things to say about people my age <and younger> having kids!  But that's one of the many Carrie rants.]  But anyways, has anyone seen that Adam Sandler movie?  I can't keep myself from imagining Scott in that role!  Can't you picture him singing Madonna's "Holiday" to the lucky newlyweds?  And maybe he'll have Ritchie come in now and then to sing some Culture Club songs!

D Reality Check:

     Oddly enough no word at this time of a SOLO career.  Funny.  I always figured he'd get one over Ritchie.  But then again where is SCOTT these days?  Certainly not on the last album.  Did ANYONE hear him AT ALL?  Sean got more singing time in than this boy.  I vote he starts some random kids show.  You know unlike Ritchie, Scott CAN act.  We all saw "Don't Wanna Let You Go" eh?  Can you picture him pullling a Mr. Rodgers?  *Eh...on second thought....Scott please tell me you haven't given up on singing?*

Where will this master of rhythm and rhymes go from here?  Will J rap no more? 

Car says: 

Sorry but yes.  He's no Eminem and he's too borderline Vanilla Ice with his boyband history. 

So what does Madame Carrie predict? 

     Club DJ.  You always see Abs doing this in the videos, but J will just have to take lessons.  We know he's got the rhythm down, and hey, maybe he'll play some of his own material in those clubs.  Even at risk of being booed!  But he's gonna have to change his name, cuz DJ J just won't do...do.

D Reality Check: 

     The man says he's going behind the scenes and doing charity work.  Eh?  When did this come about.  I always figured he'd do some sort of music production but charity?  *scratches head*  Where was I when the guy got all deep and meaningful??  (DON'T EVEN ATTEMPT TO GO THERE BEA.  We all know what YOU were thinking.)  I say hey J why not combine music and charity....have a music charity like all those other boyband members like  Justin from NSYNC....then again you never LIKED being like the other boybands did you?

And lastly, what will this talented young artist have for his future? 
Car washer?  Advertisement Jingles?  Drug dealer?

Car says:
None of the above. 

Madame Carrie predicts...? 

     Solo career.  What?    I know I just said in the intro that none of them will have a solo career, but what do you expect?  Sean IS my favorite member of the band!  And come on, he's just sooooo talented!  He's a one man band!  And NO Bea and D, I am not a pediphile!  He's been legal for a long time now!

D Reality Check:

     Car ALWAYS had a soft spot for Sean.  *shakes head at how Car is SUCH a groupie.  Her future will consist of stalking the poor English lad like those OTHER die hard fans you hear about...you know the ones that dig in the trash for their garbage?  OH Car.  You poor dear.*  But Solo?  Nope.  Did we not read in between the lines of their break-up?  Sean had MONO. *cough* bullshit *cough*  I say the guy got tired of the spotlight, the lack of privacy.  He just wants to be left alone.  It's him and his keyboard for life.  The boy be a music writer.  Soon to be penning music for boybands the worldover...like Dreamstreet.  Dreamstreet.  *shakes head at THAT*  Now who's idea was it to get a bunch of 12 year olds out there?  What has our society become when we are oogling pre pubscent boys?  LORDIE. 

*D turns head at sound of Bea singing NSYNC's GONE.  And look what's happened.  We've moved boybands THAT fast???  BEA.  You git.  You're upsetting the youngings....Don't care if it fits the mood....do you want a RIOT?*

Five may be gone, but VOID's still around

Take the pain away Richelle...Lead us home!

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