Carrie - Let’s talk about BAD HAIR, and namely Ritchie’s damn hair!  GAY GAY
GAY!!!  (I’m sorry, I have this firm belief that Ritchie will always look gay.)  Why oh
why?  No matter what he does with his hair, he looks gay!  And when he first cut his hair, I swear that he looked like FREAKIN Sting!  What the hell is that?!

Danae: NOW NOW NOW Car darlings!  Give the boy credit.  In the beginning he had REALLY floppy annoying “girly” hair!  I think that this new hair cut is way better he looks like a GUY for once!  (Not that I think he ever looked gay..umm yeah...) And speaking of which he should NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER go back to being a BLONDE.  That was just not cute.  Umm can someone say  *Cough*.  NATURAL hair color.  Did we not learn people that resorting to blonde is not good!  LOOK at Britney Spears!  Speaking of...Billie darlings please go back to dark hair.  Blonde?  NO NO NO...oh wait we’re talking about Ritchie not Billie.....

Carrie - Yah man!  Ritchie and Billie, the nice lesbian couple.  But I GUESS the new hair looks better...  I’m thinking of the Disney performance of “Everybody Get Up”...heh-heh.  No more of that headbanging anymore!  ^.^  Too bad Ritch, my man.

Danae:  I give the old look....actually I don’t want to talk about the old look- because I couldn’t stand it.  SORRY.  It didn’t work for me.  No Pantene points and no Richelle shout out PERIOD.  The new look gets a mumble from Richelle since you know she’s silent.  So umm that means I appreciate the effort-It's all about the NATURAL hair color anything BUT BLOND  as long as you don’t do a Joey (NSYNC) and go for RED.  HELL NO.

Carrie - Um..whatever man!  I think Joey Fatone (the “Fat One”) is coolio in my book, D. As for the Ritch-meister, he gets 100/100 GAY POINTS!  He just pulls off that look too well!  Good Job Ritchie!  No one will ever realize that you’re not really  a girl!

This Richelle will send you back to the "Bad Hair Day" page because thinks its the best part of the site.  CAR and D are using her as ratings and it makes her want to almost speak...but she'll lead you back instead.

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