BEFORE                                                                     AFTER
Carrie - I’m going to have to disappoint all the pre-pubescents, but I like his hair now better than the GHASTLY spikes.  He looked like he was trying to go for that anime Dragon Ball look.  (If you knew what I’m talking about, you’d understand.)  But now...oooo!  Sooooo much better.  He actually looks like a NORMAL person.  Ya know, if you got the look, you don’t have to try too hard.

Danae:  Okay I will actually AGREE with you CAR on this one.  I’m a Scott fan and I did not like the spikes.  (Side note: Sorry to my 12 year old cousin Stephanie who dug the spike thing.  I’m sorry I’m not into guys who look like Sonic the  Hedgehog...I love you STEPH!!!  Remember I’m the one who brings you to the Sanrio store!  You love me!!)  In fact I didn’t look twice when he had them.  In the beginning it was minimal spikes...that was okay...but then by the end there you had TALL ones going on.  Umm NO WONDER you got really terrible headaches.  I would too if I pulled an 80’s hair do emptied an entire bottle of hairspray into my hair and did my bangs really high like they used to be back in the day.  You know what I’m talking about ADMIT IT some of you still do the “high bang” thing!   WE ARE NOT IN THE MOVIE The Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler.  We are no longer wearing neon spandex...umm well some of us are...BEA!!!!   So please put the curling iron down.  Okay back to Scott!  The non-spike look well just makes him look so damm HOT.  That’s right.  I gave him a second glance after the spikes left sometime in 1998...nice...VERY nice.

Carrie - Hey, I actually did that high bang thing...  OO...bad memories!  I give the old hairdo a Richelle shaking her head disdainfully.  The new hair gets Richelle  giving a thumbs up.  Just cut your hair man!  Be like Sean, go with the flow.  It would “Make you a better man”.

Danae:  Sean reference?  That MUST be a good sign.  I say Richelle would say something and then be left SPEECHLESS once more for the new hairdo (just because it seems to be coming back Scottie!  No Spikes!  No Spikes!...cut hair...but not as short as ABS!) but wouldn’t even open her mouth for the spiked look.

This Richelle will send you back to the "Bad Hair Day" page because she agrees with all CAR and D's hair opinions and wants you to read more.

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